Gotten by lowering the window size. First dimensions directly produce antimatter, while higher dimensions produce the dimension before them. (PC) Removes the downsides from Time Study 131 and 133 in the Active and Idle Time Study paths. Eternity without buying Antimatter Dimensions 2-8. Mobile additionally has Bar, Blind, True Blind, Clock, Dots, Flag, Greek, Hex, Omega, Random, Shi, Standard, YesNo, and Zalgo. Complete all the Eternity Challenges 5 times with less than 1 second (game time) in your current Reality. The reward slightly counters the challenge nerf. The capacity for the multiplier doesn't require very fast times, you can have around 0.06 seconds or less if you want. Time Dimensions generate time shards, which are translated into tickspeed upgrades. When you Dimension Shift, your first X dimensions gain a 2x boost, where X is how many Dimension Shifts (or boosts) you have, until all dimensions are being boosted, and then they'll just stay that way. You may want to change your autobuyers for these (Reduce max galaxies to 0, or 1 if you need it, and turn on automatic dimension boosts but with max boosts at 4 and galaxies required to a high number, so that the 8th dimension can be unlocked while in challenges). You may need a IP amount around 1.8e308 or at least the lowest IP amount you can get that is greater than 1.8e308 IP, and then keep big crunching by 1.8e308 times from there until 10 infinities with at least 1.8e308 times more IP than the last infinity are done. Note that for infinity challenges you should make sure to enable your dimension boost autobuyer so it can do dimension shifts as the 4th column of infinity upgrades isn't effective in challenges and you should always max out dimboosts while in infinity challenges. Like the other IC5 strats around, you'll want all upgrades costing 1e83 IP or less. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In addition to having Challenge 9's restriction, when buying dimensions 1-4, everything with costs smaller or equal increases, and when buying dimensions 5-8, everything with costs bigger or equal increases. This essentially removes the 750 ms cap as it is lowered immediately after being reached. Continue upgrading your autobuyers. 500 52.97% (20.8) Multidimensional The picture for it on the web version shows a donkey ([[VisualPun aka an ass]]), and the picture on the mobile version just has the text "I can't draw this like really what do you expect come on". Once you have 1e200 IP and 1e45000 Antimatter, unlock ID6. When time in this Infinity is < 5 sec, ADs are multiplied by. Buy max 8th dimensions. which may come at random. The upgrade allowing you to get ND/ID/TD paths will also help increase production. If I already start off with one dimensional shift boost does that mean I cannot complete this achievement? Got about to 30% after about an hour and realized it was going to take awhile. Start Eternities with 5e25 Infinity Points. You can do a really long run overnight if you want. Get all Antimatter Dimension multipliers over 1e308. - Yet another infinity reference: Set your sacrifice autobuyer to 1.80e308. There were two removed secret achievements: Dip the Antimatter - Dip the antimatter. Antimatter Dimensions Ultimate Sigma's Modifications (with help from Aarex) This mod set contains all of the previous Aarex modifications, as well as new ones I created. After doing ICs, check out the time studies tab and buy time theorems with AM and IP, Spend them on the left side. This is repeatable. (Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run caps at 30,000x, so you will want to go for the multiplier. All Antimatter Dimensions are significantly stronger in the first 5 seconds of Infinities. Removed because it doesn't work on Kongregate. Previous attempts to complete EC7x5 only could reach around 1e3920 IP. Galaxies gained from Dilated Time are allowed to be used (but do not count towards the total number of galaxies you need), making this an easy achievement in this stage of the game. I recommend closing the game before bed and doing this overnight. - Error 909: Dimension not found: Some time in this section, just start C11 C2 with autobuyers disabled then buy 1 first dimension. They do not have a reward and do not apply to the row multiplier. Before you eternity, get one more achievement: - I brake for nobody: Disable your Dimension Boost autobuyer and set Max Galaxies to as many as you can get in under 20 seconds, and do it close to the very end of this section, with your big crunch autobuyer set to 1e250 IP. "Potato" is 1e29, the requirement of the original "Faster than a Potato" achievement, so Potato^2 = 1e58. Repeat this for dimensions 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, then 1. This will get you the achievement "You're a mistake", which doesn't really do anything, but just for completing row 11. While doing ECs, you'll sometimes want to do a long run for more TT. Reference to Cookie Clicker's Cookie dunker achievement. Press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, enter on your keyboard in a single session in that order with no other key presses in between. Reduce tickspeed by 0.00% and get 1.050x to all dims Cost: 1 K Buy Max Tickrate: 0.10/s (0.10 before dilation), Tickspeed multiplier: 1.000 You have 308 tickspeed purchases left. Once you have done this, start the new challenge you will have unlocked (Infinity Challenge 1). This is because the replicanti multiplier on infinity dimensions resets after a galaxy, so infinity power production will halt for a while, and you will have to wait for it to build back up. All Antimatter Dimensions are stronger in the first 3 minutes of Infinities. 48.6% Over in 30 Seconds Have antimatter/sec exceed your current antimatter for 30 consecutive seconds. This achievement switched positions with "8 nobody got time for that" (now 101) in the Reality Update. When you reach 2 Nonillion 157 Octillion IP, you will be able to get Dimension cost multiplier increase -> 3x. The exponent of Dimension/ID/TD and tickspeed multipliers are reduced to ^0.75 of the normal values while you are dilating time. Since you will have your dimensional sacrifice autobuyer set it to 2 or 5 or something reasonable. At a certain point, you will be able to get your replicanti upgraded enough that it will be much more advantageous to use the Active path. Keep going for infinity "speedruns" to get as much IP as possible out of that. In addition to having Challenge 9's restriction, when buying dimensions 1-4, everything with costs smaller or equal increases, and when buying dimensions 5-8, everything with costs bigger or equal increases. Privacy Policy. All achievements to get in this section occur naturally. Once you have the first 3 columns of infinity upgrades and 10+ IP on hand, you're good to go. You must have completed Eternity Challenges 11x5+12x5 before you can unlock Time Dilation, and you must have at least 13,000 TT in total (around ~e1320 EP). Have each of your past 10 Eternities be Infinity times more EP than the previous one. Each row you finish gives a 1.5x multiplier on all dimensions, which is a nice boost early on. Setting update rate to 33 ms, and making a setup for grinding eternities will be important. The popup only appears when offline for over 1000 seconds (16:40) on web. Later on in the game, you will have to grind more for Time Study 193, which caps at ~1,012,680 eternities, but wait until you have EC10 to do that. Buy everything costing 1 B IP or less, including Tickspeed cost multiplier increase -> 5x, or even 4x. First eternity now takes you to the time dimensions tab. This achievement takes about 14 hours with a maxed tickspeed autobuyer and no manual work. 2 years of updates . To do this, keep crunching until the message pops up that says you failed. There is also an EP multiplier which gives more EP. Removed as bulk buy is now infinite after getting "Bulked up". Purchase a 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th dimension (preferably the highest even dimension), and with Time Study 181, you will easily get the achievement. Basic Glyph Types are: Power, Infinity, Time, Replication and Dilation. Here are some notable break infinity uppgrades. Have 1e63 antimatter and your 1st AD's production/s be greater than your current antimatter. Have 10 Replicanti Galaxies with 15 seconds in this Infinity. You also should have all achievements up to row 12 and some in row 13, and 5 completions of ECs 1-12. Use the same technique as before for challenge 9. 'Ludicrous Speed' - May be hard to get, but eventually with more progress, you can get it, by setting big crunch to 1e200, getting the most ID upgrades you can, and including replicanti. Each dimension actually produces the one before it, causing polynomial growth. This achievement switched positions with "Zero Deaths" (now 77) in mobile and the reality update. EC11 has all dimension multipliers disabled except from Infinity power and dimensional boosts, and EC12 "makes" the game perform at a 1,000 times slower rate (with each second counting as a thousandth of a second), but really only affects the numbers of the game. In the web version prior to the Reality Update, all the challenges were stored in a single variable. This one tastes like chicken - Best Contents 2022 This also has to do with enough progression and EP. Your browser is not supported. As for time studies during this time, get 191, get a few million banked infinities, then get 211, then 212, then 193 (get 1000000 eternities), then 214 then finally 213. You will start with 10 Antimatter. - Game Design Is My Passion: Start IC5 with at least e165 IP, set your autobuyer priorities to 8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1/1 with Dimensions 1-7 on buy singles instead of max. Antimatter Dimensions is a text-based Idle Game created by Hevipelle, that was originally launched on May 3rd, 2016. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental sport with a number of layers of unlocks, status, and achievements. Crunch in C8 with 3 minutes in this Infinity. You could do it now, but it will take long). 3-27-2020, v1.3: Added two new upgrades, the automator for the antimatter dimensions, and did some balancing and bugfixing. This is impossible in the 5e11 IP to eternity stage due to the sheer multipliers to 1st dimensions. ": Be sure to do two infinities under 4.9 seconds. ** Likewise, [[spoiler:Infinity Challenge 5 when initially unlocked requires good micromanagement. Are you sure these are the right way around? This upgrade is very powerful. The basic Goal is to reach infinity and receive an infinity point, which can be spent on various skills to increase your overall production. For the Dimension Boost one, there are 2 fields. Spend them on the left (21) path. You unlock TD5-8 after days of waiting for TT. Eternity without buying Antimatter Dimensions 1-7. ), Consider getting at least 1e349 IP, which will earn you a second EP when you Eternity. - Option to bulk buy dimension boosts: Makes dimension boosts no longer a waste of time, but you will have to optimize your autobuyers to make it work (more on how to do this later). When you're ready for EC4, this is probably the most annoying and long part of unlocking challenges, by far. There is a . Other than that, use this strategy for IC5, which is an edited version of an old strategy updated for reality, but note that the challenge is MUCH easier now than it used to be: After this, the reward for IC5 is very powerful so you will jump to 1e100 IP fast. Instead, you can Dimension Boost just for the multiplier. (By the way I was able to beat eternity challenge 5x1 with 145 TTs fairly easily). . Buy a first dimension. - You didn't need it anyway: Just get really stacked and all (maybe 2 galaxies or something), and don't get or auto buy any 8th Dimensions. Have antimatter/sec exceed your current antimatter for 30 consecutive seconds. However, the ones provided in the cell are the ones intended to be imported by the developers. The paths TD/Active may be powerful for grinding EP, at some point that it will increase EP faster than TD/Idle (depends on the person/their preference), but each path will be important in how you will progress. After the 2nd 3 way split, get Study 151, then 161 (162 later), then 171. Getting enough dilated time will give free galaxies (another overpowered source of progress) and also allows you to purchase new upgrades that will progress you further. When you are stuck buy max of dimensions 8, 7, 6, 5, then 1. This achievement switched positions with "Zero Deaths" (64 -> 77). Max out galaxies, and dimboosts if necessary. After reaching 1e50 IP try to do runs where you get as many galaxies as you can in 1-10 minutes. Keep doing single RG (replicanti galaxy) runs until you reach e240 IP, as getting all your RGs takes a very, very long time, and you should be able to reach e240 IP with 1 RG per run. The advice at this point is to get more Time Theorems to be able to get more Eternity Challenges to complete for more bonuses. OR: To get the achievement, turn off autobuyers, start a new eternity, and enter Automatic Big Crunches challenge. Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge. (can be done way before 1e50 EP, with 1e300 times big crunch, ID/active path, just do your usual grinding technique, just changed to get fast enough to get under 200 ms eternities, and with a fast update rate in settings). - Challenges. This challenge can be completed at higher EP if you cannot currently beat EC12 (1e1300 EP is enough for 12x5). The 3rd upgrade's cost scales faster than the other 2. (log10(AD1)/10)^2.2 -> (log10(AD1)/10)^2.4, or AD1^0.009 -> AD1^0.01 if you completed IC2. Also remember to buy the infinity point doubling upgrade when possible. Sacrifice doesn't reset your Antimatter Dimensions. : Progress related achievement, which with enough EP multiplier and other progress factors, you will get this achievement. Start an infinity run with all your autobuyers enabled and maxed, except for the dimboost autobuyer, and max galaxies set to a big number like 9999999. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2dbc7998d7f7e0 Swapped places with "1 million is a lot" (77 -> 64). All of the challenges can be done instantly by simply turning off dimboost and galaxy autobuyers. Replicanti galaxies divide your replicanti by 1.8e308. on web. When you hit 1e100 EP, the purchases for the eternity multipliers start to slow down, as they have increased in price. EC9 will be another challenge that will have a problem with TS181 when you first buy it, but that will be explained later on. If you are not idle you can hold D to speed up dimension boosts a little. It is really fast if you do it right, but it may not be the first time, as you may have to learn. Do this for EP and TT runs. ]], ** Likewise, [[spoiler:Infinity Challenge 5 when initially unlocked requires good micromanagement. You wanted to do 5 Dimension Boosts to unlock Dimensional Sacrifice. - Autobuyers. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The last one generates IP and is not that special. You could beat an EC more than 5 times, but there will be no reward and no change to the difficulty. Get 10 Replicanti Galaxies in 15 seconds. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [email protected]. Study 181 is also important for getting the achievement "Like feasting on a behind" (as explained later in the guide). As manual save isn't a thing on mobile, this is the alternative with an equal amount of clicks. It is hard because Infinity Dimensions don't produce Infinity Points, and maxing out them makes your Infinity Power production only briefly exceed your Infinity Power. The endgame is not far from here (possibly just a couple days away), which "starts" to begin at 1e1300 EP (actual endgame period is later on during dilation). Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. All Antimatter Dimensions are significantly stronger in the first 60 seconds of Infinities. Keep buing first dimensions until their cost increases. Tickspeed is just over 5% faster per Antimatter Galaxy. Your achievement bonus affects Infinity Dimensions. 2) Go to autobuyers, disable bulk buy, set dimensions 2-7 to singles and in IC5 also set tickspeed to buy singles. Getting 1.8e308 IP in a single infinity in under 5 seconds will get only 1 infinitied stat and performing eternity after that will get the achievement. I admit I needed more cuts in the first infinity. This increases improves the IP formula from to . Googolmeister/Antimatter Dimensions Playthrough, Bubby3/The History of Antimatter Dimensions, FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil,, Zero Deaths Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge. The Eternity milestones tab shows milestones that unlock more automation and quality of life stuff just by doing more eternities, up to 100 eternities. Finally, buy everything costing 1e16 EP or less - by this time you should have 10 rows of achievements done, giving your TDs an effective 57.6x multiplier. - Multiplier to all dimensions based on slowest challenge run: This one forces you to revisit challenges. "Painful" notations are notations which also format numbers under 1,000. They are useless. This achievement's unlock requirement does not consider RG's obtained from TS225 or TS226. x4 Infinity Point gain, and increase the multiplier for buying 10 Antimatter Dimensions by +0.1. Beat Infinity Challenge 5 (IC5) in 15 seconds or less. However, there is a Time Study, which makes this much easier, and allowing you to get it automatically without any strategy eventually. Once you have 100 billion infinities and 1e18000 Replicanti, Eternity to get 2 row 13 achievements. You can buy 8th ADs in the same Infinity, as long as you have 0 when you crunch. You will gain a few million orders of magnitude and that is it. The strategy at this point is to keep buying RGs until you can crunch for 5-10 more orders of magnitude of IP. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes. For achievements in each section, I only mention ones which either have a necessary reward or ones you might get naturally later on. Total sacrifice multiplier 1e9000 after sacrificing. You will have about e67000 Antimatter at the end of this section. Import "tree" as a study tree. In Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, there's a quick-time event requiring you to press F to pay respects. The reward is not to be confused with the 7 eternity milestone, as it unlocks the infinity challenges right away, which saves 1 tick. Buy single tickspeed 100,000 (web: 1,000,000) times. After you beat EC12x5, you should have over 1e1300 EP (you actually don't need this much to beat EC12x5, but you should eventually get 1e1300 EP). This is because the original requirement was 1e60 Infinity Power, which was raised to the power of 4.3333. Have 180 times more replicanti galaxies than normal galaxies. You are getting 0 antimatter per second. This may take some time. You need to complete a challenge without any Dimension Shifts, boosts, or Antimatter Galaxies, and the only Challenge where this is remotely possible is Challenge 3, where the first dimension grows in power at an . That's where the 3rd upgrade comes in. 3-26-2020, v1.2.1: Fixed a bug where the max all antimatter dimensions button didn't work. This is sort of an important thing to do, because after study 181 is more expensive time studies (and endgame), which will require more EP and other resources. At this point until start of next section, focus on upgrading autobuyers with IP, and upgrading the bulk buy and interval on all of them. All Antimatter Dimensions are stronger in first 3 minutes of an Infinity, but only in challenges. Row 12 achievements in this margin (only some, varying in difficulty): As usual, as you grind, you will eventually be able to do challenges, either for a faster completion or completing it right away when you can unlock it. Have all your eternities in the past 10 eternities be at least Infinite times higher than the previous one. Get TS191, where 5% of infinities on eternity become banked infinities (and can help increase EC10's reward and other infinitied factors permanently). Once you reach 1e1300 EP, TD prices and EP multiplier prices skyrocket to over 1e1400 EP, and you cannot really get to that amount of EP yet. For post-eternity I'm copying from the guide and making some changes, These changes shouldn't affect anything already in this guide, New UI and many cosmetic non-gameplay changes, Tickspeed is x1.125, x1.145, x1.165 instead of -11% -12% -14%, effect is getting to the second galaxy is slightly faster, Achievements give 1.03x multiplier, effect is that the game is a tiny bit faster, Autobuyers unlock at antimatter milestones but require challenges to upgrade, effect is that autobuyers work earlier just slower, Challenges 10-12 require 16 infinities to start, effect is nothing since you dont want to start them that early anyway, Achievement 41 is to buy 16 infinity upgrades instead of spreading cancer, effect is that this achievement will occur naturally, but cannot be obtained as early as before, The last infinity upgrade costs 300 IP instead of 500 IP, effect is that the wait to get this upgrade is reduced by 40%, Autobuyers are 3x faster by default, effect is not much its just cool I guess, Challenge 7 is changed to "The multiplier from buying 10 Antimatter Dimensions is reduced to 1.
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