As the coronavirus continues to evolve, a new highly contagious Omicron variant is appearing in India and other nations, including the United States, experts say.. How are Covid rules changing across UK schools? Based on the CDC's genomic surveillance, the BA.2 or stealth Omicron subvariant is responsible for most new SARS-CoV-2 infections in the U.S. BA.2 is a subvariant of the original SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (B.1.1.529), along with BA.1.1 and BA.3. Previous variants of concern which no longer meet the criteria will be redesignated. Until we have this evidence, we must exercise the highest level of caution in drawing conclusions about any significant risks to peoples health. This analysis is not an assessment of hospital severity, which will take further time to assess. In total, 40 countries have uploaded 8,040 BA.2 sequences to GISAID since 17 November 2021. The B.1.1.529variant includes a large number of spike protein mutations as well as mutations in other parts of the viral genome. Overall, the original Omicron lineage, BA.1, is dominant in the UK and the proportion of BA.2 cases is currently low. No cases have been identified in the UK. Spector shared a list of symptom prevalence from people who had tested positive for COVID, most of whom were estimated to have caught BA.2, he said. Fatigue. Analysis from routine contact tracing data indicates that transmission is likely to be higher among contacts of BA.2 cases in households (13.4%) than those for contacts of other Omicron cases(10.3%) in the period 27 December 2021 to 11 January 2022. Its critical that anyone with COVID-19 symptoms isolates and gets aPCRtest immediately. The individuals who have tested positive and their contacts are all isolating. Our findings suggest the current wave of Omicron infections is unlikely to lead to a major surge in severe disease in care home populations with high levels of vaccine coverage and/or natural immunity. Overall numbers of ICU admissions have decreased over time, but where data was available admissions with Omicron have increased from 9% to more than 50% in the most recent week. A thirddose was associated with a 68% (95% confidence interval 52 to 82%) reduced risk of hospitalisation when compared to similar unvaccinated individuals. Analysis shows that protection against symptomatic disease 2 to 4 weeks after a booster dose ranges from around 65% to 75%, dropping to 55% to 65% at 5 to 9 weeks and 45% to 50% 10 weeks or more following the booster dose. Well be undertaking further analysis to investigate the small rise in the number of children admitted to hospital but currently coronavirus (COVID-19) poses a very low health risk to children and infants. A booster dose for everyone over 18 years is now recommended and will be available at a minimum of 3 months from your last primary course jab. Omicron BA2 symptoms include taste loss. It is never too late to come forward for your first dose and its vital that everyone comes forward to get boosted now as we head into the new year. The individual tested positive after travel to the UK and is linked to travel to Southern Africa. Of those with Omicron, 9.5% have had COVID-19 before, which is likely to be a substantial underestimate of the proportion of reinfections, as many prior infections will have been asymptomatic and not picked up by the analysis. In a lot of ways, it's a bad cold, a lot of respiratory symptoms, stuffy nose, coughing, body aches and fatigue," said Dr. Dennis Cunningham, the system medical director of infection control and. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. We continue to monitor all recombinants closely, routinely through our world-leading genomic surveillance and sequencing capability. Thats why its so important that everybody, everywhere, takes simple steps to protect themselves from infection. UKHSA scientists are urging anyone who has not had all the vaccines they are eligible for to make sure that they get them as soon as possible. The guidance on vaccination is changing to help all of us bolster our defences in the face of this new variant. Aside from all of the usual COVID symptoms, like a dry cough, a scratchy throat, fatigue, and muscle aches, the Stealth variant is thought to cause a few other distinct issues. All 3 subvariants have spike protein mutations of L452 and elude immunity from prior BA1 infection. The worst symptom is a "throat on fire," said University of California, San Francisco's Dr. Peter Chin-Hong. UKHSA is acting to get scientific information available as quickly as possible in order to inform the right balance of interventions to prevent transmission and protect lives. It is important that everyone ensures that they are up to date with vaccinations offered as they remain our best form of defence against severe illness. Of those patients admitted to hospital,17had received a booster vaccine, 74 people had 2 doses and 27 people were not vaccinated. It includes a complete list of studies planned and already under way into the emerging variant. Lower back pain. Approximately half of PCR tests in the UK are able to detect SGTF. Vaccination is critical to help us bolster our defences against this new variant so please get your first, second, third or booster jab as soon as you are eligible to protect yourself, your families and your communities. This analysis found that the risk of presentation to emergency care or hospital admission with Omicron (testing for symptomatic or asymptomatic infection) was approximately half of that for Delta, while the risk of hospital admission alone with Omicron was approximately one-third of that for Delta. Following the change in JCVI advice earlier this week, a booster dose for everyone over 18 years is now recommended and will be available at a minimum of 3 months from your last primary course jab. Current guidance from NHS England is that the main symptoms of Covid continue to be a high temperature, a new continuous cough, a loss or change to your sense. Delta remains the predominant variantin England, accounting for over 99% of all COVID-19 cases. XD has not been identified in the UK to date, though 49 cases have been reported to global databases, the majority of these are in France. In this analysis, the risk of hospitalisation is lower for Omicron cases with symptomatic or asymptomatic infection after 2 and 3 doses of vaccine, with an 81% (95% confidence interval 77 to 85%) reduction in the risk of hospitalisation after 3 doses compared to unvaccinated Omicron cases. It is also absolutely critical that we all do what we can to reduce transmission in the community so that we have time to administer as many booster doses as possible. And in England, more than 1,000 confirmed cases of BA.2 have been identified, according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). The individuals that have tested positive are not connected to each other and are not linked to the previously confirmed cases. Scientists in the UK and abroad are closely monitoring BA.2, a sub-variant of Omicron. These are some of the symptoms that you should be looking out for: High temperature. Vaccination is critical to help us bolster our defences against becoming severely ill from this new variant please get your first, second, third or booster jab without delay. Omicron BA.2.75, the variant derived from the BA.2 lineage which was identified internationally earlier this month, has now been categorised as a separate variant and given the. This suggests that BA.5 is likely to become the dominant COVID-19 variant in the UK. The individuals that have tested positive and their contacts are all isolating. The total number of confirmed cases in England is now 29. Inthe SIREN study, a large cohort of healthcare workers are tested regularly by PCR to detect asymptomatic infection in addition to normal testing practices for symptomatic infection. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has published the latest Variant Technical Briefing. Under the new system, the variant of concern (VOC) label will be assigned to variants which are currently emerging or circulating, and which the following characteristics can be confirmed or predicted: 1. UKHSA continues to examine all available data relating to SARS-CoV-2 variants in the UK and abroad. When combined with VE against symptomatic disease, the reduced risk of hospitalisation climbed to 92% 2 to 4 weeks after a third dose of the vaccine, down to 83% after 10 weeks or more. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Dr Meera Chand, UKHSA Director of Clinical an Emerging Infection, said: We continue to monitor the emergence of new variants and give them variant designations if they are sufficiently distinct to warrant separate epidemiological and laboratory assessment. UKHSA is carrying out targeted testing at locations where the positive cases were likely to be infectious. UKHSA is gathering scientific information as quickly as possible in order to inform the right balance of interventions to prevent transmission and protect lives. An estimated 78.7% of confirmed cases in England are BA.5 which was first identified in April and was designated as a Variant of Concern on 18 May. One case is located in Camden, London, and one case is located in Wandsworth, London. ; BA.5 sometimes gives rise to more marked symptomssometimes with digestive symptoms . The designation was made on the basis of increasing numbers of BA.2 sequences identified both domestically and internationally. Since then, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has classified two subvariants, BA.1.1 and BA.2. After 2 doses, vaccine effectiveness was 9% and 13% respectively for BA.1 and BA.2, after 25+ weeks. Things you can choose to do are: The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has elevated the classification of the COVID-19 variants Omicron BA.4 and Omicron BA.5 to variants of concern (VOCs) on the basis of observed growth. People aged 75 and over remain at particular risk of severe disease if they are not up to date with their vaccinations. By the summer of 2022, the BA.5 variant was the most dominant strain in the US. Consider wearing a face covering when in crowded places. Of 5,153 individuals identified with an Omicron infection between 1 November and 11 December 2021, 305 were linked to a previous confirmed infection and had an interval from the previous positive test of 90 days or more. The UK has been hard-hit by a further spike in Covid-19 cases in recent weeks, with infections being driven by a sub-lineage of the Omicron variant known as BA.2 or "Stealth Omicron". Experts say BA.2 has extensive mutations and is about 40 percent more infectious than the original Omicron variant. BA.2.75.2 as a new variant but singled it out as an . The data once again shows that coming forward for your jab, particularly your third dose, is the best way of protecting yourself and others against infection and severe disease. This paper can be found as a pre-print, and the data is referred to in the latest vaccine surveillance report. The areas with the largest number of confirmed cases are London (146) and the South East (97). Symptoms of BA.2 appear to largely mirror those of the original version of the omicron variant: an upper respiratory illness that causes sore throat, cough, congestion, headache and fatigue. Currently, approximately half of all tests conducted in the UK are able to detect SGTF. . Omicron sublineages BQ.1 and XBB have been given UKHSA variant designations to facilitate continued studies. Early data shows that young children who are hospitalised experience mild illness and are discharged after short stays in hospital. Scratchy throat. If you have any symptoms, take a test. Previous updates were published by Public Health England. Health and Social Care Secretary, Sajid Javid, said: We are learning to live with this virus and thanks to our world-leading surveillance system we can rapidly detect and carefully monitor any genetic changes to COVID-19. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. These groups have been prioritised for booster doses since the start of the rollout in September to increase their protection. The pace of sharing sequences by India is very slow, median days from collection to deposition is 69 days according to GISAID. According to Boden-Albala said, those symptoms may include the following: Fever Chills Fatigue Cough Body aches Shortness of breath Sore throat Additionally, some people may report upper. However, confidence levels for severity indicators for children are low because further analysis is required to compare the risk of hospitalisation between Omicron and Delta, and to assess the clinical nature of illness in children. UKHSA is constantly monitoring the situation and working to understand the implications for public health. While signs remain encouraging on Omicrons severity compared with Delta, the high levels of community transmission continue and may cause pressures on health services. The increasing prevalence of Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 is likely to be a factor in the recent increase in cases seen in the UK and elsewhere, though there is currently no evidence that Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 cause more severe illness than previous variants. We will continue to monitor this situation closely and recommend appropriate public health measures if needed. And now, dizziness and fatigue are beginning to emerge as potential symptoms of the new sub-strain of Omicron, along with the original Covid symptoms. Our data shows that getting the booster vaccine is more effective against this variant than 2 doses alone. It is not clear where BA.2 originated, but it was first detected in the Philippines in November. Although hospitalisations and deaths remain low, cases are still high in some areas and some age groups so its important that we continue to act cautiously as restrictions are lifted. The two most reported symptom of patients infected by the Stealth Omicron variant is -dizziness and fatigue. UKHSAis acting to get scientific information available as quickly as possible in order to inform the right balance of interventions to prevent transmission and protect lives. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is reminding people to ensure their COVID-19 vaccinations are up to date and to continue following COVID-safe behaviours, as latest technical data indicates BA.4 and BA.5 have become dominant in the UK and are driving the recent increase in infections. It contains epidemiological data and updated analysis of COVID-19 variants currently circulating in the UK. Positive tests with sufficient virus detected from people arriving in the UK are sent for confirmation through Whole Genome Sequencing, regardless of the presence or absence of SGTF. So far, vaccination means that the rise in cases is not translating to a rise in severe illness and deaths. UKHSA has also published analyses related to the original Omicron strain BA.1. UKHSA analysis shows that the risk of hospital admission for an identified case with Omicron is reduced compared to a case of Delta. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Dr Susan Hopkins, Chief Medical Advisor for UKHSA, said: Ongoing variant analysis is an important part of our pandemic response. These are potentially biologically significant mutations which may change the behaviour of the virus with regards to vaccines, treatments and transmissibility. "The symptoms of the Omicron variant, which includes the BA.2 lineage, and the Delta variant, are similar," says Dr. Erica Johnson, MD, the chair of the Infectious Disease Board of the . Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said: This data is yet more evidence that vaccines remain our best line of defence against COVID-19. The risk assessment also suggests that Omicron displays a reduction in protection offered by having had a previous infection or vaccination. This new mutation dubbed BA.2.75 is concerning scientists because it appears to spread fast, bypassing the protection offered by COVID-19 vaccines and immunity from previous infection, the Associated Press reported Monday. In the UK, 38 cases of XF have been identified, though none have been seen since mid February. Taste Lost is one of the Omicron BA2 Symptoms. The total number of confirmed cases in England is now 22. Apart from dizziness and fatigue, some other signs of BA.2 Omicron Variants include: Fever and body aches Loss of taste Nausea or Vomiting Abdominal pain Fever Extreme fatigue Coughing Sore throat Muscular fatigue Elevated heart rate Breathless in severe cases readmore End of Story Until the week beginning 23 November 2021, the weekly count of cases with SGTF was routinely less than 150, making up less than 0.1% of all cases. Vaccination is critical to help us bolster our defences against this new variant please get your first, second, third or booster jab without delay. 34 Subsequent studies that were performed in periods when a mix of BA.1, BA.2, BA.4, and BA.5 viruses circulated have reported low effectiveness of a second booster against . UKHSAis acting to get scientific information available as quickly as possible in order to inform the right balance of interventions to prevent transmission and protect lives. They save lives and prevent serious illness. UKHSA has performed an initial laboratory evaluation of the current lateral flow devices (LFDs) for COVID-19 in current use in the UK. Prior infection is 44% effective at preventing future infection, increasing to 71% with 3 doses of the vaccine. However, the preliminary data showed effectiveness against the new variant appears to increase considerably in the early period after a booster dose, providing around 70% to 75% protection against symptomatic infection. This matches a recent study led by Oxford University and the Office for National Statistics (ONS), using data from the COVID-19 Infection Survey produced by the latter. Read about our approach to external linking. This analysis excludes individuals with confirmed previous COVID-19 infection. Headache. UKHSA is monitoring this closely. While there is a suggestion that this wanes slightly after 15 weeks, protection in this age group remains high at over 85%. The symptoms of omicron BA.2.75 are mostly flu-like and may last more than 4-5 days. BQ.1 (V-22OCT-01) is a BA.5 sub-lineage which has been designated on the basis of rapid growth. BA.2 continues to demonstrate a substantial growth advantage. While specific symptoms to BA.2 are not yet available, the NHS lists the main symptoms for Covid-19 as: a high temperature a new, continuous cough a. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. 1. BA.2 variant symptoms: Spokane Regional Health District Health Officer Francisco Velazquez told KREM 2 News that the BA.2 variant of the omicron variant has some unique symptoms, too. If you have symptoms take a PCR test and isolate at home until you receive a negative result. The percentage of people to have received a booster dose will also already be higher in older age groups and those with underlying health conditions due to prioritisation of the rollout so far. Technical Briefing 34 contains further analysis on symptom comparison on Omicron and Delta. As is routine for any new variants under investigation,UKHSAis carrying out laboratory and epidemiological investigations to better understand the characteristics of this variant. UKHSA is undertaking further detailed studies. Updated Jan. 27, 2023 The omicron subvariant of COVID-19, BA.5, became one of the dominant strains of the virus in the fall of 2022 in the U.S. At that time, it was the most easily spread strain to date and is able to evade immunity from COVID infection and vaccination. UKHSA is carrying out targeted testing at locations where the positive cases were likely to be infectious. None of these cases are known to have been hospitalised or died. We have now identified cases in the East Midlands, East of England, London, North East, North West, South East, South West and West Midlands. While evidence is still emerging, so far it does not appear this variant causes more severe disease or renders the vaccines currently deployed any less effective. While prevalence remains high, make sure to wear your mask in indoor settings and take a lateral flow test before meeting others. What we know is that it is certainly growing as a proportion of overall cases in the UK. A runny nose, gastrointestinal. We should all continue to test regularly with LFDs [lateral flow devices] and take a PCR [polymerase chain reaction] test if symptoms develop.". More investigation is required to fully determine the extent of these mutations impact. Studiesof households and contactshave found that there is a higher risk of transmission to contacts from an Omicron case, when compared to Delta. You have rejected additional cookies. It is also vital to continue with all the other precautions we have become used to throughout the pandemic keep indoor areas well ventilated, wear a face covering in enclosed spaces, and take a rapid lateral flow (or LFD) test before a situation where you may be at high risk of catching or passing on the virus. The updated risk assessment includes indicators for infection severity in both adults and children. As always, the booster vaccine remains the best protection against infection. The analysis included very small numbers of cases as only a few people in the UK currently have this variant, meaning this data should be interpreted with caution until more cases have been studied. The BA.2 subvariant of the COVID-19 virus is now the dominant coronavirus strain in the world, and while health officials are saying the subvariant acts like the original omicron version of the . Vaccine effectiveness against severe disease from Omicron is not yet known but is expected to be significantly higher than protection against symptomatic disease. The early observations for 2 doses of AstraZeneca are particularly likely to be unreliable as they are based on small numbers and are likely to reflect an older population and a population with more co-morbidities than those given the Pfizer vaccine. Of symptomatic cases, loss of smell and taste was found to be more common in people who tested positive for Delta than those who had Omicron. BA.2, also coined as the "stealth" variant, is a relative of Omicron's original variant, BA.1, which tore through the Australian community over Christmas and the New Year period. UKHSA has also this week published further vaccine effectiveness data against hospitalisation following a booster dose. As is routine for any new variants under investigation, UKHSAis carrying out laboratory and epidemiological investigations to better understand the properties of this variant. A study of 8,500 households and 18,000 individuals conducted by Denmark's SSI found that BA.2 was "substantially" more transmissible than BA.1. The Delta variant, for example, comprises 200 different sub-variants. The breakdown of cases by local authority is: The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has identified 9 further cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) with mutations consistent with B.1.1.529 in England, in addition to the previous 13 confirmed cases of the SARS-CoV-2 variant known as B.1.1.529. Its not too late to catch up if youve missed boosters, or even first doses so please take your recommended vaccines. As of 2 May 2022, 21 confirmed cases of Omicron BA.4 and 19 confirmed cases of Omicron BA.5 have been detected in England. Dr Meera Chand, COVID-19 Incident Director at UKHSA, said: It is the nature of viruses to evolve and mutate, so its to be expected that we will continue to see new variants emerge as the pandemic goes on. One study has suggested that it may be difficult to identify this variant . It has since swept the globe, eventually vanquishing other variants including delta. The team at ZOE, a study that tracks symptoms . Neither have currently been designated as variants of concern. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. moderate COVID-19 symptoms who are at high risk of . As viruses mutate into new variants, they sometimes split or branch off into sub-lineages. While BA.2 appears to be more transmissible than previous variants, there is no data yet to suggest that it is any more severe. But the preliminary assessment found no evidence that vaccines would be any less effective against symptomatic disease for either sub-variant. You will not always know whether someone you come into contact with is at higher risk of becoming seriously ill from respiratory infections, including COVID-19. Vaccination is critical to help us bolster our defences against this new variant please get your first, second or booster jab without delay. Data and analysis will be released in due course through our regular surveillance reporting. As set out last week, the effectiveness of all vaccines against symptomatic infection continues to be lower in all periods against Omicron compared to Delta. As of 17 May, 115 cases of BA.4 and 80 cases of BA.5 have been confirmed in England and the latest UKHSA variant technical briefing has been published today. You have accepted additional cookies. As previously published, data continues to show vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation for Omicron remains high. For the first time, this data includes analysis on vaccine effectiveness 15+ weeks after the booster dose. Continue to exercise caution. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has published a new variant technical briefing describing ongoing work on the Omicron variant. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has identified 8 further cases of COVID-19 with mutations consistent with B.1.1.529 in England, in addition to the previous 5 confirmed cases of the SARS-CoV-2 variant known as B.1.1.529. One dose of any vaccine was associated with a 35% reduced risk of hospitalisation among symptomatic cases with the Omicron variant, 2 doses with a 67% reduction up to 24 weeks after the seconddose and a 51% reduced risk 25 or more weeks after the seconddose. BA.2 is estimated to account for approximately 93.7% of cases in England, with the highest prevalence in the South East (96.4%) and the lowest in the East Midlands (91.1%). Top of the list with a prevalence of 80. Getting your booster jab remains the most effective way of protecting yourself and others from infection and severe disease. These are potentially biologically significant mutations which may change the behaviour of the virus with regards to immune escape, transmissibility or susceptibility to treatments, but this has not been proven. There will be a coprimary endpoint : Neutralizing antibody titers against the SARS-CoV-2 variant of most prominent public health interest according to pandemic evolution (among D614G, B.1.351, Omicron sub-variants BA.4-5, BQ1.1 and XBB or another recent variant) and against one of the variant targeted by the vaccines. Vaccine efficacy analysis continues to show lower effectiveness for symptomatic Omicron disease. The assessment suggests that Omicron is displaying a significant growth advantage over Delta, meaning that it is likely to outcompete Delta in the UK and become the dominant variant. Over 40% of hospital admissions were in London. These early findings should be interpreted with caution as transmission data and dynamics can fluctuate, meaning that early findings can change quickly when new variants are identified. The latest Omicron SARS-CoV-2 subvariant, which scientists have labeled BA.2.12.1, is on track to become the most virulent strain in the United States currently. As of January 10 2022, 53 sequences of the BA.2 sub-lineage of Omicron had been identified in the United Kingdom. 8 Research published in April 2022 in The Lancet also found. The World Health Organization has been monitoring SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19) since January 2020, during which time the variant Omicron has been identified, which is technically known as BA.1 or B.1.1.529.The WHO is now monitoring a sub-variant of Omicron, known as BA.2, which has been described as "stealth Omicron," because it has genetic mutations that potentially make it . The full document and underlying data is available on GOV.UK.
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