Just check out the contents page below! You have to agree that is a massive amount of profiles available in the book! Any weapons that Forgeworld doesnt currently make in 28mm are gone, so goodbye to reaver chainfists and carapace weapons that arent the apocalypse missile launcher and warlord carapace weapons that arent apocalypse launchers or laser blasters. Learn how your comment data is processed. The Imperial Armour books have also featured a few less well known successor chapters over the years, and Imperial Armour Compendium features suggested chapter tactics to best represent the way they fight I love this and gives players a framework towards designing their chapter to best fit the lore and narrative of the army as reflected in Warhammer 40k literature! A bright point is his dreadfire claw switching from damage D6 to damage 4, but without the absurd durability he used to have, and without the choice of warlord traits, hes not bringing much to the table. Credit: CrabStuffedMushrooms. People! Offensively, the melta cutter increased from d3 shots to 5 shots and picked up the new melta rules, and the termite drill loses the complicated mortal wound thing in exchange for a straight damage increase d3+3 against most targets, and a colossal d3+6 against vehicles. At a high level, you generally see: With that out the way, on to the factions. Each void shield is a 3 wound pool that has to be eaten through before the vehicle itself takes any damage, and that pool cant overflow so if a lascannon hits for 6 damage the void shield will absorb 3 damage, and the other 3 will just vanish. I hope this is something we see for other less known chapters in the future, even if it is in White Dwarf articles. The Tarantula Battery also makes the move to a Fortification slot, making taking 3 units of these very tempting for some objective defence! #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warhammer40k #wargames #wargaming #tyranids #tyranid #gamesworkshop #citadel #citadelminiatures #hivetyrant #40k #warmongers #hobby #paintingwarhammer #painting #paintingminiatures #miniaturespainting #miniatures #90s, Busy day at Sprues & Brews HQ! While the dream of reloading a Deathstrike is there, and re-upping hunter-killer missiles nottotally irrelevant, we all know what this was used for re-rolls on a Baneblade and it doesnt do that any more. The Skathach Wraithknight also gets a surprisingly huge amount of improvement, honestly shifting itstraight to being much more worth considering than the regular one. At that point, slap an ATS on it and the main guns are straight up better heavy burst cannons on a chassis thats tougher than a Riptide, so while you do trade off a bit of flexibility, its at least a usable option. for open , narrative and matched play. How many primaris can it transport? And add to that the fact that they now cost us CP and the same amount of points as the loyalist versions despite losing out on Legion Traits and Combat Doctrines and youve got a recipe for one salty Rob. The Inquisition get a couple of updated profiles for Lok and Rex bringing these guys up to date! This also applies to the Chaos Titan Legions too, who essentially get the same datasheets but with suitably chaotic keywords! Minotaurs Imperial Fists with Duellists and Stalwart chapter tactics. While not as inexpensive as it was at the end of 8th, if you can afford the 3 CP for a superheavy auxiliary detachment its totally usable. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Weapons were all simplified, with the Macro weapon type no longer existing, and the Blast ability added where needed. In contrast to the previous Imperial Armour Index volumes, this book is hardback too so will not only match the rest of your 9th Edition Codex collection, but also last a little longer in better condition! These rules are better than what we used to have, and their costs do sit in a more realistic range than before, but paying 3 CP to take a greater daemon with no exalted abilities is weak sauce. [2] It also includes : One Regimental Doctrine for the Death Korps of Krieg, designed to work with Codex: Astra Militarum [2] Each titan has a different number of void shields, from warhounds with 2 up to warlords with 8. Hes armed with a heavy plasma cannon and dreadnought close combat weapon, and only costs 20 points more than an equivalently armed relic contemptor. Unless youre set on bringing fancy weapon options, stick with the codex version. However, were concerned that if we dont make this statement Condit will kill us: Just play Titanicus instead. Now yes, that nearly in the previous sentence is a little ominous as there are a couple of strange exceptions. In this book you. The Red Scorpions, Minotaurs, Blood Ravens, Astral Claws and Carcharodons are all represented here along with characters including Chapter Masters for you to lead your forces with. The Trojan now has a fun rule that allows One Shot weapons to fire again so, for example, you can use one to reload a Deathstrike allowing it to fire a second time! imperial armour compendium 9th edition pdf trove. Defensively, it gained 4 wounds so toughness 8, 14 wounds, and a 3+ save. Given how good Ghaz is that isnt a massive ask, and this guy importantlycan still takeDa Killa Klaw, has the right keyword to beDa Biggest Boss if you arent packing Ghaz, and has gained a point of toughness (T7!) Wings: Seriously, this thing is off the charts good now, to the point where I wonder if the melta shots change is a typo this seems to out-compete most main battle tanks, never mind transports. The tanks are OK but theyre still Lords of War and while they may come across as somewhat usable, the CP cost to take them just isnt worth it. Aquilon Custodians [CORE] : Fists and bolter is 5 points cheaper!?!?! If there are units that I think are still worth it, Ill note them below. Acanthrites also get a decent point cut to pay back their loss of BS, and definitely end up as a better unit out of it, even if I struggle to see myself ever taking them over more Skorpekh. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Really onlyStone-Crusher Carnifexeshere they cant be taken as broods any more and went up a bit in cost when they probably didnt need to. The big fliers all get slammed to BS4+ without much changes in their prices, and thats a pretty bad look for them. The Hornet is also -1 to hit all the time without having to advance. There isnt any massive rules changes, but some minor adjustments and a few buffs/discounts scattered around (or in the case of Venatari, a minor change with a HUGE impact). With recent 9th edition books making this change as well, the points cost of each model is at the end of each section. In an edition that prioritizes having bodies to take objectives and keep your opponent off theirs, spending several hundred points on a single tank thats going to have trouble moving around is already a tough sell, and adding a big additional CP cost is a tough pill to swallow. Thats seriously spicy, and since neither goes up in cost on that build and some of their guns get marginally better, these are a much more appealing option. Engineers are less exciting they lose their weird super shotguns and are basically kind of boring. As with the Space Marines we see a number of points adjustments that bring both of these forces in line with each other. The Lynx also gets a substantial simplification and a cost reduction, and probably ends up more practical out of it. Realistically, though theyre cheap you probably still want Leman Russes over them, since they get double the shots most of the time and can take Orders. Credits: That Gobbo. We also get a nice two page spread telling the tale of the Death Korps of Krieg and the hellish world they herald from. Warhammer 40k - Imperial Armour - Index - Forces of the Adeptus Astartes.pdf download. Welcome to the Imperial Armour Compendium . While were going to dig into the highlights and lowlights of individual units below, our overall impression is that there was a significant smoothing over of the entire book. He is still the only leviathan remaining with WS and BS 2+, but even at his new lower points cost doesnt offer much. Only once all shields are down can you start pumping damage into the Titan itself. Shane: No major rules changes, mostly sweeping points drops. Is that a hint of changes to come? The Sentinel has historically been the better unit, but the Stalker is nowso cheap that I actually might give it the nod as the superior option just as a throwaway push unit. TheInquisition retain only their two Named Characters. Its much easier now to drop in a single thing without needing to fill out an additional slot, but youre less likely to be taking multiple. This seems a really fun way of making Titans useable in a normal game, and Im looking forward to seeing how my titans fare as soon as we are able to film battles again! Throughout the week we will be taking a look in more detail at some of the changes in profiles across the armies, along with taking a look at the Death Korps of Krieg to see if they can finally compete on the tabletop with these new rules, so make sure to stay tuned to the site! Sagittarum Guard [CORE] : Same points, but apparently the bolter half of their gun was a heavy bolter, because now it is 2 damage. RIP. The Astra Militarum were the OG beneficiaries of Forge World units, and they retain a prodigious range, though some of their options have been archived off as part of this update (mostly very similar variants on existing units). Whirlwind Scorpius. This isincredibly bad;for some units itll just limit to your ability to include multiples but more than likely itll just make some units unplayably bad, since theyre likely to be overcosted before you include the CP. Across the rest of the Astra Militarum section we seem some great Quality of Life updates as well as weapon and profile updates that make for some fun changes to these units! Pallas Grav-Attack: Lost the -2 to charge grav ability, but is 10 points cheaper. The big thicc dreadnought is somewhat more svelte now its dropped from toughness 8 to toughness 7, and from WS/BS 2+ down to 3+ on both. Announcing The Goonhammer 2023 Global 40k Campaign. Sicarans in general also bumped up to a 2+ save, making them surprisingly durable, and took a substantial points cut. There are a couple of grumbles about missing units that are still available that do not have profiles, and sadly a few formatting errors here in there with incorrect battlefield roles and power values, which is a little bit of a disappointment in a 40 book. The Dreadnoughts really eat shit here. of Forge World units that, at the time of printing, are supported. Sky Slasher Swarms also get a bump their stats and costs are unchanged, but they get built in deep strike. It retains the CORE keyword, and if you arm it with a kheres assault cannon or multimelta and dreadnought close combat weapon it costs the same as the codex version (well, and an extra 1 CP cost.). He did also get whats probably a downgrade in being declared a Terminator, but if you were planning on warping him in anyway its much of a muchness. Acastus Knightsdrop to the point where you could squeeze one into a list a bit more reasonably, and gain some boosts to their guns in the form of Blast, but still really struggle to compete with Castellans. The other builds havent gone downas much as the HPL build, but with every build getting cheaper and a buff being applied to a unit that was already playable makes these the clearest, standout winner here. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. I think theyll kind of fight with each other for the same role, but both have their advantages. The Cyclopsalso gets a minor discount out of the gate, and hilariously gains the ability to ride in transports (though cant shoot on the turn it gets out, which limits the utility). We see quite a few units get tweaked to remove degrading profiles too, such as on the Blood Slaughterer. This book is absolutely stackedwith content, and up front we have to be clear we are not going to go through every single datasheet line by line, as theres far too many for us to possibly do that. Losing the grav rule hurts, especially against potential reserve charges. Credit: Jack Hunter. Transporting 12 models, you can bring in a full 10 man squad with character support, all while having tons of firepower for a mere 180 points (or 190 with the even better Volkite side-weapons). This iteration of the rules really gets rid of that, and while there are still good or bad units theres a lot less room between them. All of these units follow the standard rules for their factions. So stay tuned for those articles and in the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback, drop us a note in the comments below or email us [email protected]. Just like with their Imperial counterparts, we see updated profiles for every variant of Imperial Knight, giving the Chaos Knights access to a large pool of different chassis, these have also been tweaked in regards to points values in line with the Imperial versions! Terrax-Pattern Termite. I had emotionally prepared myself for this, but it looks like I will, in fact, be needing to change the paint scheme on my Wraithseer before putting it on a tournament table even once, as they have completely changed but at least not necessarily to the point of being unusable. Caladius Grav-Tank: Lost the -2 to charge grav ability, kept fly. He might be an Elite or an HQ (listed differently in the points values vs his datasheet), but either way hes clearly worth taking. The Gatling Cannon is unchanged, and the Cleavers Slash profile gets a helpful boost moving to 2 damage from D3. My trusty Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum was starting to look a little dog-eared by the end of the edition! Its great to see all these characters represented still, as a lot are from very old IA books. For their part, Death Guard get their own section with a single unit immediately following, so theres a good chance this is intentional and not just an error. While the main gun remained essentially the same, both types of sponsons got a shakeup. A lot of the profiles have been tidied a little and they benefit greatly from this, as degrading profiles on low wound models like this was often a problem in the previous edition. Thats seriously spicy, and since neither goes up in cost on that build and some of their guns get marginally better, these are a much more appealing option, especially as Iconoclasts. Still immunity to melta extra damage? Legio Xestobiax Reaver Titan. Next, what if you want an incredibly stupid super-sized Lord of War drop pod? 1 - Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy, Vol. First and foremost are the Astra Militarum which also includes a new Regimental Doctrine for the Death Korps of Krieg. Rob: Surprise! Its unfortunate that these are just presented as a recommendation, as they effectively mean nothing and people will continue to play with whatever rules they want. Thats it. The key difference is that theyre no longer HQs or Characters, so extremely stupid combos involving relics and warlord traits are banished to the shadow realm. Thanks, guys. None of them.and all of them. Then theres theGreater Brass Scorpion,which dropped 75 points while going up to 28 wounds It now also degrades in WS and BS, and so will always have 6 attacks to whiff with as it loses accuracy. The Warp Hunter is still way too expensive for how fragile it is, while the Nightwing gets a weird makeover from undercosted cheap option to trying to be a heavier flyer, and there just isnt a slot for what its doing. It probably still doesnt cross the line to being actuallygood,but Im certainly looking at the arms of my largest robot son contemplatively. This seems a way of restricting those rare units and make sure the battlefield isnt flooded by them dont forget that this will have an impact on your free detachment, as the warlord only refunds the initial CP cost of them! Also, if you really want something dead in melee you can choose to swap out Smite forWitch Strike and just absolutely go to town on them. Warhammer 40k - 8th Edition.pdf download. Now your mileage may vary if you only collect one army, but as I have multiple armies with a wide and varied range of Forge World models across them I much prefer having them all in the one book. Credit: Jack Hunter. That probably still isnt pushing them to the top tables. I absolutely do not think doing so is a good idea for your army, but its in a similar spot to a few other things now where it probably isroughly costed right for what it can do, its just that factors of the mission design still keep it non-competitive. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Generally, this replaces the old Relic rule now each time you include a unit with this rule in a detachment the Command Cost of that detachment is increased by 1. If youd asked us to pick units that were at real risk of just getting nuked from orbit in a re-write this would have been high on the list, so it getting to keep doing its thing, only even better, is a huge relief for nid players. The Kannonwagon and Kustom Stompa are the two that miss out, but its nice for the rest. The good news is, it gained 4 wounds. Also Available on Spotify & Google Podcasts, The Hive Tyrant was one of the first models I ever painted for Warhammer 40k, so when I saw an unpainted one on ebay I knew I had to paint it up in honour of it! Instead, weve lasered in on our areas of expertise and pulled out what we think the winners, losers and other notable changes are for each faction, aiming to give you the lowdown on the things that matter most. If so, that sucks Drills at least were something Id have liked to see stick around in Death Guard armies, and the loss of them is a major blow to a lot of current competitive builds. It also helps that the statline is still fine theyve gone to 9W rather than 12, but are at least non-degrading, and get the always-on ability to ignore AP-1, a nice extra upside. Riding back into battle behind him areNobz on Warbikes, and these arent really priced to move but having the option is strictly better than now. Fundamentally, the ability to build yourself an incredibly deadly melee missile at a cut-down price is restored, so I guess enjoy that! Stillprobably not durable enough for how hard it is to hide and the cost, but much, much closer to something you want. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. While it only has 32W, its got T9, a built in 4++ against shooting and the right keywords for Lightning Fast, making it extremely non-trivial to kill at range, especially if you stickFortune on it as well. Hazardsalso seem OK they get a substantial point cut in exchange for losing a single wound and thats probably a net positive, just about. which get a few tweaks but dont change massively. The one sting in the tail here is that hes returned with theSpeedwaaagh! Its much more interesting now with 6 shots in either standard or supercharge, at strength 8, ap-3, and 2 damage in standard mode, bumping up to strength 9 and damage 3 when supercharged. Vindicator Laser Destroyer. Hes still a respectable choice, as in trade-off for no longer getting to be a non-sensically good psyker he got stat boosts better weapon skill, an extra wound and mortal wound resistance on his shield. Venatari Custodians[ CORE]: Woo buddy, am I excited. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Credit: Jack Hunter. 21.8M . With a big laser: cooler. It changes a reasonable amount the weapon goes to D2 rather than D3but the Nova charge mode is now just a flat 9 shots per fun (so 18 total), it goes up to S7 when you Nova it, and the whole package has come down a cool 110pts. It doesnt cost half as many points its dropped from 235 points down to 170. Hecaton Aiakos is the clear winner here. Ultimately, it does still get hard-countered by some flavours of hordes, and any game played with it is going to be a knife edge of making sure you dont get charged by a melee killing machine, but in a similar way to the Taunar in 8th I can see people picking it up and running it to 3-2 finishes or the occasional 4-1. Imperial Fists Fellblade. Ankbars Expedition Kharadron Overlords, Podcast: 110 | Wolves and the Watch Sprues & Brews. Whether you want to reclaim the galaxy with the Necrons, burn it to a cinder with the Chaos Space Marines, or convince everyone to join the Greater Good with the T'au Empire, this book contains the datasheets and the points values you need.. The Stormblade andPraetor stand out a bit as both get a signifcant bump to their main guns, with the Stormblade going up a point of damage and the Praetor getting an extra D6 shots on the firetstorm mode. Much the same as their imperial counterparts! Weapon profiles and the stat line stayed exactly the same, its just firing half as many shots. Such a fun and nostalgic time painting this up - used @redgrassgames wet palettes, @duncanjrhodes and @thearmypainter paints and can't wait to paint up some more! Forge World formed a key part of competitive play in 8th Edition, offering a wide range of additional options for some factions alongside some very cool models for players who wanted to try something different. Why are there no pictures of the vehicles.
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