Time: empowering travel through time, presumably limited to a single or (at most) a handful of journeys; again, with some probably unexpected and adverse side effects. Thus, for most, it is an agent of extinction, whose presence twists and accelerates time, bringing corrosion, ruination, and death. Immense entities beyond human understanding, and here portrayed through pain-staking research in vivid detail. If reduced to zero hit points, Yibb-Tstll fades to nothingness, causing any nightgaunts to rapidly depart. It takes one full round to disappear through an angle and step out through the exit angle (thus, it reappears at the end of the current round). X-2634: a mass of sentient gas, so named here due to a forgotten human astronomer who mistook it for a comet. CON 300 SIZ 125 DEX 150 Hit Points: 85 Damage Bonus (DB): +2D6 Build: 3 Move: 25 Combat Attacks per round: 1 (touch) Tawil atUmr rarely deigns to take part in physical combat, preferring to use spells or summon lesser Mythos monsters instead and may use its touch to destroy or send troublesome people away. Great torment shall herald its arrival. At the lowest level, the sounds can be heard in ones head at a distance of 5 miles (8 km) from the Outer God. Anyone who drinks the wine may be contacted by the deity, who may send visions or messages (Sanity loss may apply), and can also compel that individual to enact its wishes if they fail a POW roll. Some may be quite adept, able to inflict a penalty die to a targets POW roll to resist this mental control. Rhan Tegoth, the feasting one Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points; 1/1D6 if witnessing Rhan Tegoth feeding. Above all, it possesses a loathsome plasticity of shape, apparently able to stretch and change at will. Over millennia, this entity grew and developed, learning to mimic earthly lifeforms by consumption and, in the process, analyzing them, taking on their characteristics as needed to better survive. Those unaffected may bring a colleague to their senses by inflicting one or more points of damage, although the charmed individual may naturally resist what they consider to be an attack. One may imagine its passage to Earth would open temporal and spatial rifts, twist realities, and fray dimensional borders, which would not only cause damage but potentially allow other, even less welcome, entities access. Wayfair Europe Delivery, Mothers Day Cards Ideas For Teachers, Alfredo Quiones-hinojosa Family, Missouri Covid Gathering Restrictions, Professional Notebooks For Work, Tauktae Cyclone Live Tracker, Teleflora Google Reviews, Malleus Monstrorum The Trove, Apple Lane Animal Hospital, March 2021 Vogue Cover, Rooftop Restaurants Honolulu, Korean . ATLACH-NACHA (Great Old One) Somewhat larger than a human, a dark and hairy spider-like thing with eight legs and a toothsome mouth. In some cases, the joining is physical, creating horrific results that partly mirror the joining of Zhar and Lloigor. Since then, no reliable claims have come forth to suggest a reemergence of YeggHa, although the Concordance of Higher Elements by Hestia Locksby (and, possibly confirmed by certain dreamers) states that Yegg-Has shadow is alive and well in the Dreamlands. Bound with heavy chains, the condemned sits for eons awaiting the wrath of Aforgomon. Such offerings are swallowed whole, with the head of the Keeper expanding in a jelly-like fashion to contain them all. From time to time, Arwassa appears in tomes containing accounts of Medieval Europe, particularly those concerning France, Germany, and Hungary, although often named as a demon or hell fiend. Such accounts tend to describe the entity as laying waste to castles or small communities, leaving no survivors; however, a small number more accurately recount the visitation as driving the people TABLE: HIT LOCATION Roll 1D20 Location Effect 13 Right leg 46 Left leg 710 Abdomen Instant death. Chaosium, Call of Cthulhu, etc. Magic POW: 125 Magic Points: 25 Spells: Fist of Yog-Sothoth, Shrivelling, Wrack. 76 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS - E - true cosmic order of things. 8. See here for more examples. It would not be beyond reason for some to consider Nodens and Nyarlathotep being the same entity or perhaps a cosmic mirror of one another. The Cult of Cthulhu purports that Nctosa and Nctolhu are the twin daughters of Great Cthulhu, born of a union with Kassogtha. Whether this timescale relates in some way to the foretold End Times is uncertain. Among many worlds and societies, avatars may be embraced and taken to be gods in their own right; however, in all cases, they are simply masks or forms created to best convey and perform the will of another being. Indeed, it appears content to wait in its lair and feed upon those who are brought to it by worshippers or else upon those who inadvertently cross its path. Get the rulebook here. Certain tomes, perhaps the foremost of which is the Necronomicon, describe Great Cthulhu as a high priest who will somehow play a major role in the breaking of the Elder wards that appear to bind and imprison numerous Old Ones and their like. Combat Attacks per Round: 1 (bite, attach) Attach (mnvr): most times, a parasite will automatically gain control of a human while they sleep or are compelled by Atlach-Nacha. If so, one may presume that the immense gravity and acoustic waves produced by the raging storms within the Red Spot form (at least in part) the prison holding these Lesser Old Ones. DEX 200 Hit Points: 19 Damage Bonus (DB): +3D6 Build: 4 Move: 20 Bast, cat elder Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 Sanity points. Comes the Yellow King! At the Keepers option, mortal creatures beyond the Old Ones immediate area may be allowed an Extreme or Hard POW roll (difficulty lessening by distance) to avoid such unnatural aging. The stench alone is enough to cause many to wretch, while the fetid matter thrown off by this entity pervades and cloys. CTHYLLA (Great Old One) In mine minds eye I beheld a thing composed of glistening redblack flesh within an oval outline. If summoned, they may manifest below the summoner, rising up through holes and cracks in the ground or floor to then recombine. Witnesses seeing a manifestation of this entity may inadvertently catch a glimpse of things beyond their comprehension that, in time, fester within and grow, corrupting their being and turning them to the worship of Yog-Sothoth. In some cases, an affected human may become partially possessed by Hastalk or another Old One, with their body and voice used as a conduit. You are still eligible for free PDF with the PDOD purchase! Explosive attacks deal minimum damage. This may be a single scene or outcome, or may be a series of scenes. The original edition was developed and written by Scott David Aniolowski, with supporting material written by Sandy Petersen and Lynn Willis. Some sub-sects of the cult are believed to have become solely focused on Zoth-Ommog, a being they see as the heir to Cthulhu, and a more tangible and real presence in the world. Powers Growth: while containment in its pocket dimension constrains the overall size Yu-mengtis can achieve (to a maximum of SIZ 600), outside, in this reality, it is theoretically possible for the Old One to grow enlarged through the consumption of living matter. The victim may attempt to break free with an Extreme STR or Hard DEX roll, but, failing this, if they succeed with a Luck roll, their arms are not pinned and they make initiate attacks without penalty. Kevin Ross: Bugg-Shash, Byatis, Gol-goroth, Zu-che-quon, The King in Yellow, and Tulzscha. Utter fear, as who can stand against the elemental forces of nature, let alone when those forces are marshaled and empowered by a being who existed before our planet even coalesced. Create Servitors: able to produce (birth) dark young and other associated horrors at will. If overcome, the person begins to suffer the loss of 1D6 Sanity points and 20 points of both INT and POW per round, until at zero POW and INT the possession is complete. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Immune to mundane weapons (incl. Usually, those requesting such sight do so willingly, but others can attempt to bar their minds from this cosmic assault with a successful Hard POW roll. Certainly, rituals to summon this avatar are jealously kept, and it is likely that inter-personal or cult rivalry might breakout if one group possessed this summing ritual, with the other groups keen to obtain it at all costs. "Without doubt, the definitive Call of Cthulhu monster guide a full-color feast for the eyes and the absolutely essential compendium of Lovecraftian deities and denizens.". Powers Compulsion: those within 300 yards/meters are compelled to move toward Zhar and Lloigor if a POW roll is failed. Tawil atUmr may ask for an offering in return, which may be a characteristic or magic point drain, the temporary loss of hit points, an item, enactment of a task, and so on, at the Keepers discretion (offerings should be achievable, avoiding an investigators certain death). bullets). In many ways this form of Daoloth is better suited to human contact, delivering less risk while allowing the Outer God to influence and connect with the affairs of other beings. As to the plan or scheme being nurtured by Creux-Azathoth, this remains a mystery but, presumably, at some point, these Azathoth-filled vessels will act in unison. The letter Y is pronounced as it is in yore. OI is pronounced as in noise. 252 Entity Pronunciation Abhoth AB-hauth Aforgomon a-FOER-goe-mon Ahtu AL-Mo-zz Aphoom-Zhah AH-foom ZHAH Arwassa ahr-WAH-sah Atlach-Nacha AT-lach NACH-ah Azathoth AZ-ah-thoth BMoth BEE-moth Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg BOT ZOO-kah-mog Bast BAST Bugg-Shash BUG SH-ASH Byatis BEE-yat-is Chaugnar Faugn SHOG-ner FAHN Chorazin CHOR-ah-zin Cthugha kuh-THOOG-hah Cthulhu kuh-THOO-loo Cthylla kuh-THILL-a Cxaxukluth AX-uh-klut Cyegha sigh-AE-guh Cymaeghi sigh-MAY-gli Cythulos sigh-thu-LOS PRONUNCIATION GUIDE OF MYTHOS NAMES Entity Pronunciation Entity Pronunciation Dagon & Hydra DAE-gon & HIGH-druh Qyth-az Quee-et-az Daoloth DAE-oe-loth Quachil Uttaus KWAH-chil oo-TOSS Eihort IGH-hort Rhan-Tegoth ran-TEE-goth Fthaggua fuh-THAG-wah Rlim Shaikorth rlim SHAE-koerth Ghatanothoa gah-tahn-oe-THOE-ah Saaitii Sa-EYY-TEE Ghizguth GIZ-gooth Sebek SEB-bek Ghroth Gg-ROTH Shub-Niggurath shub-NEE-ger-ARTH Glaaki GLA-AK-ee Shudde Mell shood-ih-MEL Gnophkehs nauf-KAEZ Tawil atUmr ta-WIHL at-OOM-er Gol-goroth GOL-goe-roth Trunembra TROO-nem-brah Groth-golka groth-GOEL-kah Tsathoggua zah-THOG-wah Hastalk has-TAHL-ik Tulzscha TULZ-SHA Hastur has-TOOR Ubbo-Sathla OO-boe SAT-lah Hziulquoigmnzhah ZOO-lih-kwoy-MOEZ-ha Utulls-Hrher OO-tuls-HE-RER Idh-yaa ID-yah Vorvadoss VOER-va-does Iod IGH-od Vulthoom vuhl-THOOM Ithaqua ITH-uh-kwah Xada-Hgla ZAE-dah-GLAE Kassogtha kas-SOG-thah Ygolonac ee-GOE-laun-ahk Kruschtya Equation ROOSH-tih-YAH Yegg-ha yeg-HA Lilith lil-LEETH Yibb-Tstll yib-TIS-tuhl Mguleloc Mm-GUL-i-LOCH Yidhra YID-rah Madam Yi Madam Yee Yig YIG Mhithrha meeh-ITH-uh-RAH Yog-Sothoth YAHG-sau-thoth Mordiggian mor-DIJ-ih-an Yolanda Yo-land-RAH Nctosa & Nctolhu en-TOW-sah & en-CHOL-hoo Ythogtha yih-THOG-thah Nodens NOE-denz Yumengtis You-meng-TIS Nug & Yeb NOOG & YEHB Zathog ZATH-ahg Nyarlathotep NIGH-ar-LAT-hoe-tep Zhar & Lloigor ZAR & LOI-gore Nyogtha nee-OG-thah Zoth Syra & Yoth Kala ZOTH SEE-rah & YOTH-Kal-a Ossadagowah oe-sah-DAH-gwah Zoth-Ommog ZOTH-oe-mogg Pharol FAR-el Zu-che-quon ZOO-shae-kwan 253 M o n s t e r M a s t e r Powers Name s h e e t Damage Bonus Attack Description SAN Loss STR CON SIZ DEX INT POW MOV Build Skills Hit Points Powers SAN Loss Hit Points MOV Build ) ) ) ) ) Spells Attack DEX INT POW / / / / / Damage Bonus Description STR CON SIZ %( %( %( %( %( Damage Armor Magic Points Name Skill Skills Skill %( %( %( %( %( Armor Magic Points Spells copyright 2020 Chaosium Inc. What seems certain is its current freedom, but what drew it and keeps it returning to the Earth remains a mystery. When accommodating a petitioner, Yibb-Tstll may or may not cause its Touch of Wisdom power to operate (as decided by the Keeper). The Conspiracies of Yeal remarks that this entity is brother to Mnomquah, the entity said to dwell on the moon in Earths Dreamlands, and that Groth-Golka may have once also been resident of that celestial orb. DAOLOTH (Outer God) To look upon the Render of the Veils is to know madness, for eyes were not fashioned to behold its magnificence. Other names: the Dream-Witch, Mother of Woe, the Shroud, Yee-Tho-Rah. According to the accounts of the wizard Sunda-lon, allegedly gathered together by the enigmatic R. S. Scarwound in the privately published Agonies and Deliriums (Boston, 1785), Vulthoom rests below the surface of Mars in the subterranean ghost city of Ravormos, once home to the Aihais. The possession is permanent (or lasts as long as Tulzscha desires), but can be broken using certain banishing spells. Brief, powerful flashes of light, such as lightning or flashbulbs, repel it but cause little harm. It reforms somewhere in space in 1D100 years. Scott was a professional chef for over 30 years, running the kitchens in fine dining restaurants, clubs, and hotels. Permission granted to copy for personal use. Cult Encounters Organized worship of Ithaqua tends to be located within the boundaries of its earthly domain, although that does not stop such cults recruiting or expanding their interests outside of the sub-Arctic and Arctic regions; however, key sites and rituals normally take place within its sphere of influence. Autumn is his favorite season. Other names: Chosen of Cthulhu, the Hidden One, Mother of Limbs, Scylla. Below this, its head displays six small and crafty red eyes. Other names: the Crawling Chaos, the Messenger, and many others 142 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS 143 CHAPTER 2 m a l Note: a sample of Nyarlathoteps varied avatars are presented in the following sections, sub-divided into those presenting in human-guise and those of monstrous visage. Rlim Shaikorth, the white worm Little is known of Saaitii, otherwise called Sal-Oo-Tep, with never-ending debate by scholars as to its proper classification. HASTALK (Great Old One) Seemingly formless, its touch corrupts entire worlds. Thus, investigators of missing people may unwittingly be drawn into Glaakis web. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 2D6 Grab (mnvr) 80% (40/16), damage 2D6/3D6 (see above) Armor None. DEX 80 Hit Points: 70 Damage Bonus (DB): +7D6 Build: 8 Move: 12 Combat Attacks per round: 1 (bite, swallow, strike, or crush) May attack with its beak to bite or swallow, use its legs or spines to strike, or its bulk to crush. Total Consumption: those eaten by the Charnel God are never seen again in the Waking World or the Dreamlands, their life force and soul are consumed by the Old One. Does it possess armor? Sleeping Hunger: determine whether Tsathoggua is awake or sleeping with a group Luck roll. One doubts that such rites have changed much in the modern era. For some, snakes were born of Yig; the entitys blood flowed into the earth, causing early life forms to become snakes. When Quachil Uttaus is called, a shaft of gray light appears from above and envelopes the summoner, who is unable to escape from this magical beam. STR 270 CON 225 SIZ 340 DEX 70 Hit Points: 56 Damage Bonus (DB): +7D6 Build: 8 Move: 3 Combat Attacks per round: 1 per available target (pseudopod, bite, or swallow) or 1 (crush) May use pseudopods to strike or grab, use its bulk to crush, or bite or swallow. - R RHAN TEGOTH (Great Old One) At first, we saw the large crab-like pincers emerging, then, attached to these, came six long and sinuous arms or legs. Regenerates 1 hit point per round (death at zero hit points); cannot regenerate if immersed/sprayed with running water. Powers Communication: able to relay its message in any form appropriate to the listener(s); thus, for humans, the words may be spoken, sent psychically into the mind, or be formed as a life-like vision. Powers Dizzying Senses: the Old One appears as a mass of living death and darkness, sweeping, leaping, and changing shape at will.
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