The Lovers as feelings for somebody Upright, The Lovers tarot card represents love, commitment, and noncommittal communication issues. Remember that Gemini is the ruling zodiac sign associated with the Lovers. Helper. The Lovers is sometimes about the choices we make between our head and our heart. The woman or perhaps the man has a choice. There is no desire to be with a person, perhaps due to a lack of communication and harmony between the two. Additionally, it might point to a location that brings back memories of a friend or partner with whom you no longer talk. a. Make the right decision. They feel love, respect, and compassion for you out of every ounce of their being. While it may not mean a union, it says that this person wants you around. WebThe Hierophant who carries on cultural traditions and tries to create a unified, spiritual connection in his community. b. Initiation (hierophant) into a sacred and spiritual ritual or group. This will bring harmony and balance to your life. Your ex knows how strong your connection was, and they miss it. WebThe Lovers as feelings will tell you, Of course, he loves you. They feel that this is the perfect union for them. Yes, he will. WebThat's what the Lovers is all about--finding someone or some thing that you connect to very strongly. Like I mentioned earlier, both Adam and Eve are nude in the illustration. If the Lovers comes up as the outcome to a romantic question, you will most likely have to choose between two people. One of the uses of doing a Tarot card reading is to offer direction and advice, especially during times that require you to make difficult decisions. WebAre you frustrated with Googling tarot interpretations that DON'T resonate? There is a spiritual sensation that develops, a holy force that transcends the limitations of passion or transient sexual materialism. There is a spark and a mutually felt connection with this person. Reversed: Separation Disconnection The Lovers as Feelings If the situation isnt a romantic one and you are considering your feelings instead of another individuals, the Lovers in reversed reflects a sense of low self-esteem that may end up in you considering yourself unworthy of love or trust. WebThe Lovers As Feelings When it comes to feelings, the Lovers tarot card generally implies positive ones such as love, harmony and overall happiness. So if you feel something needs to change in your relationship, this combination could be a sign to take the first step towards improvement. Paired with Temperance, they might encourage the querent to welcome a beneficial outside influence, or to be aware of how they choose to express their feelings. One person may be more emotionally involved than the other, and this gap could lead to disappointment and insecurity later down the track. "Ruled by Gemini, it's a card about connection and the possibilities of deep intimacy. It speaks to the emotional changes that come with any relationship, particularly in its early stages. If the situation relates to an existing relationship, the Lovers card may symbolize the choice between staying or moving on. The Lovers card in an upright position, as a card of advice, talks about the inevitable choices you have to make to honestly figure out what you love or desire in your life. b. Lovers Tarot Card Meanings They could be torn between two different paths and struggling to decide which one to take. The planet of Mercury rules Gemini. Being enlightened about what decisions to make. The man doesnt even notice the angel, yet the woman does. It is only through proper discrimination that we can find the solution. The Lovers in the advice position in a reading asks you to focus on the decision. You should seriously reconsider your actions. They are definitely thinking of you in a romantic way and feel deeply and intensely connected to you. Repressed sexuality is at the root of many psychological problems like chronic anxiety and neurosis. The Lovers reversed is not a positive outcome to the situation and may denote a lack of commitment to the other partner. In reverse, the Lovers card means that the person in question is having second thoughts about you. If you want to be with her, its going to be a wait. The caf where you had a fight with your former best friend, the house of an ex-partner, the street corner where they told you its not you, its me. Social Worker. The subconscious mind will not be able to manifest your desires if it is pressurized or forced by the conscious mind. WebThe Lovers tarot card can mean: Upright: Love, union, and marriage. The Lovers as Feelings Gemini is an Air sign that is a thinking sign. Whenever the Lovers tarot card appears in reversed position during a reading, it is very important to also consider the context in which it appears in order to get a clear and full understanding of its true meaning. However, as with other cards in the Tarot, there is much symbolism to decipher, to truly understand the meaning of the Lovers card. This could be a hobby that you are passionate about or a job that you love. This can mean that your significant other has rejected you or has chosen to ignore you if youre in a relationship. Any open place other than their own house might trigger their anxiety. The Lovers in a Breakup Reading Its not going to happen right away. For those in new relationships, the Lovers reversed as feelings is a sign of discord. You are not just enamored with her/him, it is a destined love and match made in heaven if only you could free yourself from the situation you are in currently. Theres a chance that you are having doubts, rethinking your decisions, or hesitating. They might also be about partnership outside a romantic relationship. The situation will not have any stability and may not be worth your time and energy. Your relationship is not where either of you want it to be, and if you want to save it, you need to start being honest with each other. For relationships and feelings, The Lovers is a paramount card. Paired with Temperance, they might encourage the querent to welcome a beneficial outside influence, or to be aware of how they choose to express their feelings. The Lovers as feelings toward someone WebThe Lovers As Feelings. One completes the other, so if you dont feel like that at all and seem to argue about trivialities, then something is definitely wrong. In a career-related reading, the Lovers could mean that a co-worker or boss holds you in high esteem and values your presence in their life. In the future position, can indicate a marriage. In this guide, we take a more in-depth look at all the connotations of the Lovers card showing up in your tarot reading. So, without further ado, lets dive right in! Their easy-to-use website, experienced readers and outstanding customer service is second to none (not to mention, the glowing reviews from satisfied customers speak for themselves!). The Lovers reversed as feelings in a relationship is not something that you want for you and your partner. The Lovers In a friendship reading, the Lovers card reversed points out that you and your friend dont feel that close anymore. Perhaps there is free will on earth, but you decided a certain path before you came to earth. It indicates that youre experiencing a strong sense of love and understanding that you dont really find with anyone else. You are not feeling the same level of closeness as you once did with your soul, and the feeling is likely to be mutual. GOOD. What you feel for your partner will transcend any ordinary crush or infatuation. Whenever a Major Arcana card shows up in reverse, you know that it indicates something important that might go wrong unless drastic action is taken to rectify the situation. And he probably has some equally strong feelings about the choice you made to end the relationship. Lovers Some people feel uneasy and insecure in a crowd. The card clearly states the ideal conditions for a relationship. The Lovers as Feelings and other Tarot Lovers Love Meanings a. They feel that there is an everlasting flame between the two of you. They might also be about partnership outside a romantic relationship. However, this card in your reading suggests that you have to make a choice for your own good. The card shows a couple not wearing any clothes. In a yes or no reading and in an upright position, The Lovers card is an affirmative Yes.. The Lovers The Lovers Tarot Card Keywords in Reverse, The Lovers Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You, The Lovers Card in Reverse as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. To draw the Lovers as a person card is a good sign since it symbolizes someone in control and capable of making the right decisions. The Lovers Tarot Card It could be a childhood friend, a new love, an idea, an opportunity, but whatever it is you have another choice. They could be torn between two different paths and struggling to decide which one to take. In a reading, they can indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by choices and dont know which way to turn. Reversed The Hermit: as Feelings: for Relationships The reversed Hermit is a potent sign of isolation in a love & feelings Tarot reading. The Lovers feature Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, with the archangel Raphael looking upon them from above. This card can also represent major decisions regarding your relationship. The Lovers is about falling in love, sexual attraction, taking a relationship to another level. If you find that the chasm between you two is insurmountable, closing the chapter and going your separate ways may be the best option. In reverse, the Lovers card is a strong indication of something being amiss. They feel great when they are with you, and they want to be with you. Arguments or indifference have taken their toll and hanging out with each other feels awkward and not that pleasant. The Lovers card is often thought of as a more about choices to be made than romantic or intimate love. The Major Arcana The Wands The Cups The Swords The Pentacles. They do not feel particularly positive towards you or the situation. It responds better to gentleness rather than forced brutality. You might be having second thoughts, letting your social life sidetrack you, or you are just too stressed out because of work and you need to relax. However, while the Seven of Cups denotes minor decisions, possibly between many selections, The Lovers is a more crucial metamorphic choice between two options. Still, with the appearance of Lovers Tarot in love reading in the reversed position, you should not get disheartened and know that there are ways that can improve your situation. For singles, the Lovers reversed as feelings indicates that this is not the right person for you. They need their Adam or Eve to complete their essence of being. There may be a lack of empathy or communication between the two of you. In terms of introspection and self-analysis, the Lovers in reverse indicates double standards that you may display in a specific situation. Your partners feelings for you are out of this world, and the feeling only grows stronger with time. When this card appears reversed, it can indicate a lack of commitment or a need for Soulmates, sex, and even marriage can be predicted with The Lovers. Lovers as Advice The Lovers is sometimes about the choices we make between our head and our heart. The meaning of The Lovers Tarot card is passion. You can find your soulmate. The diffuser holds more water than other diffusers and lasts longer. WebThe Hierophant who carries on cultural traditions and tries to create a unified, spiritual connection in his community. Whether it leads to a valley or a mountaintop, it doesnt matter. The Lovers In Work And Business (Reversed) The card asks you to restore this balance so that harmony and peace can be re-established. If you draw the Lovers card reversed as an Advice card, it is the complete opposite of the upright position. What disharmony there was during your relationship still remains, along with the barriers to communication. This could be romantic or platonic in nature (most likely romantic), but the depth and emotion behind this tarot card -- always ensures that whoever holds this card never forgets about Love's significance. Be very careful in your decisions if you draw a Lovers card in reverse. Just look at the image in the RWS. You are learning to understand yourself, your own personal moral code and what you value in life. The card may also indicate that the seekers sexual energy finds no release, fueling stress and tension. Furthermore, the card might refer to friendships, making choices, as well as socializing and the joy of being alive. WebThe Ten of Cups and The Lovers compared. You may also be in a current or approaching situation that causes disbalance in your life or within yourself. The appearance of the Lovers card as the future, especially in a reading associated with love and intimacy, is excellent news. But now you have to make a spiritual decision. Sculptor. The Lovers, a Major Arcana card, is more likely to point to important or big picture issues in your reading. This decision to be made might turn out to be a significant life event, whether the situation is to do with love and romance or work and your career. The Lovers and the King of Cups are both very positive and strong tarot cards, so this combination suggests the same when it comes to feelings. If the reason you like this person isnt true love or if your flirting is met with indifference, then you are not a good match. Their entire life is better with you, and you make them feel complete. The Lovers card is a card denoting choices as well as love and relationships. And, What It Tells About Her? Their heart is hardened, and it may not be possible to convince them otherwise. Because of the difficulty they face in choosing, they are unable to lay down a strong foundation in any relationship, romantic and otherwise. If you single and looking for love and family, this card indicates that this period of loneliness might soon end. There is definitely a strong sense of love present right here. This will bring harmony and balance to your life. This can be the decision to get married and to share your life with someone for example. WebLovers as Feelings If you are asking about how he or she feelings about you, then the Lovers is one of the best cards to get. His love is true and unconditional. You are failing to communicate and focusing on what separates you rather than what connects you. You will make the right decision. As Feelings You have a major financial decision to make. The Lovers as Feelings It could also mean that one of you is in a situation that is currently making it difficult to be together, even though the feelings are strong. The Lovers card generally mean that a relationship may soon pose a challenge or a question that will involve some decision making. As far as how they see you, there might be information that has been kept from you or them; this breeds hostility in the connection between you and them. This person is well kept and isnt single very often. The situation is not balanced between the participants and thus lacks stability. link to 101 Best Questions To Ask Your Tarot Cards (The Ultimate List), link to 11 Best Tarot Decks For Love And Relationship Readings, The Lovers And 7 Of Pentacles As Feelings, The Lovers And Queen Of Swords As Feelings. They feel that your relationship is strained and there is a lot of baggage to work through. They feel very attracted to you and feel passionately about you. When the querent doesnt it will take time for things to snap back into place due to predestination. Physical attraction Communication with like-minded people. While this is one way to look at the card, it is not the only meaning of the Lovers. When feelings between two people wither and the flame dies out, there may be nothing else to do other than look after yourself and those who are still by your side. WebLovers as Feelings If you are asking about how he or she feelings about you, then the Lovers is one of the best cards to get. There is mutual understanding which allows a deep level of trust and the ability to take your communication to the next level. And he is interested in the development of your relationships. They feel whole with you, and at ease with being themselves. However, it is worth noting that the 7 of Pentacles can sometimes indicate feeling stuck in a situation. This combination shows someone feels confident to approach you. Due to previous bad experiences, they may feel extremely fearful of what might happen if they were to put themselves out there and be vulnerable in love once again. There might be disagreements and problems in your communication. That may affect your mood in the following days and weeks, and there might be no way to mend this gap. With the thunder in the background and the smell of peppermint, its like being whisked away to a far away place! Will he confess his love? Having many choices in romantic partners, but unfortunately you either pick the wrong person OR there arent any good ones to pick from. It indicates a stable and long-lasting relationship if you have a partner. I love my Asakuki Diffuser, I have this going in my living room or my office with either peppermint or lavender. They think of you as someone they want and value, more than pure materialistic gains. There might be a complete breakdown in the situation you are facing. In the Major Arcana, the Emperor and Hierophant that symbolize the realms of rules and doctrines. Not only being strict with the external situation, but you also need to consider your No spell removal upsells, we promise. And he probably has some equally strong feelings about the choice you made to end the relationship. Raphael hangs heavily over Adam and Eve, as their guardian angel of communication. However, if you look closely at the Lovers card in the Rider-Waite deck, you will notice that even though Adam is looking at Eve, she looks at the angel figure who is symbolic of the Higher Self. The person views you as someone commendable, someone with whom they can form a long-lasting bond.
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