Sorry we took so long, we were she trailed off, staring at Keefe and hoping he would provide an excuse. If I wouldve known sooner. I know you're afraid but I really cannot feel my arm right now, Sophie whispered. I dont know exactly where he is, he didnt tell anyone where he was going, just said he had to go get some stuff from in town, he admitted. Sophie turned her hair in his direction and inhaled sharply. Cool, Ive kind of always wanted to try this iPod thingy, He said with a grin. Sophie said, rising up off the desk chair and letting Keefe guide her to the soft chair in the corner of the room. Sophie could help but lunge forward and hug him, almost knocking him off the cot. They managed to get through the security line without much trouble, though they did stop Dex when they saw the strange gadgets he was carrying in his suitcase. Sophie and her friends unbuckled their seatbelts and stood up on wobbly legs. The bright one, above that cluster? That is what happened, really. Sophie tried one last time to convince her friends, but they werent having any of it. Sophies heart beat faster, rushing with guilt and sadness. I was kind of under the impression you still liked me. he finally said, his voice icy cold. In fact, it didn't seem to end. It was the dress she had bought during Bianas shopping spree several days ago. Strange occurrences seem to follow Sophie. Sophie sat at her desk in her bedroom, staring at her homework assignment, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Good. What do we want to tell people about us? he asked, sounding serious for once, After all, theyre not as oblivious as you, so theyre bound to know somethings up.. Biana seems happy for us and over her crush on you, but I still think we should talk to her along with Fitz just in case she isn't fine.. "Oh hey." Sophie said once she got over the element of surprise. I couldnt care less if you understand human things, what matters it that you tried, okay?. No, Keefe this is serious, Sophie scrunched out your eyebrows. Are we having another one of these conversations Foster? Keefe said, raising his eyebrows. She locked up those thoughts in a corner of her brain to deal with later, like she had done with the others. I was the maid of honor at Marlowe's wedding, so I know exactly what's going to happen," she snapped back. Well, you have to admit 'daughters love interest joins the Neverseen and it goes wrong does sound familiar, Keefe conceded. After leaving the hotel, they had walked down to the beach, which was now significantly emptier than it had been when they had left several hours ago. But for now, just be happy. Keefe said, and Sophie nodded, finally letting herself relax for the first time on this vacation. Fitzy. Ive come to realize that whenever I get angry, I tend to take it out on you, and thats not okay. Did something happen?, No, not really. Fitz blushed neon red as he picked up his bag and hurried out. All these human things are so confusing to me, and you know so much, I just feel so stupid and-, Keefe. Sophie reached out a hand and rested it on his shoulder, getting his attention and stopping him from getting even more mad at himself. Sophie plopped down on the sand, feeling the warmth of the heat seeping into the sand from the sun. "What are you doing? Her insides were butterflies with excitement for the trip with her . This is my first fanfiction! That actually really suits you, Marella commented, having followed Biana, and Linh nodded along emphatically. It definitely wasn't, the words were barely audible but they made all the difference. Sophie pulled Keefe aside once again as the group continued back to the hotel to discuss what to do that day. Thanks for the 15 reads guys! He never minded when Sophie touched him. ! Sophie finished, wiping away the wetness in her eyes. The group walked toward the entrance of the airport. She pulled her friend aside during a trip to the beach, asking if they could talk. Uh Im gonna go get some human candy from the gift shop for us. Instead, she turned back to her already melting shave ice, and vowed to just enjoy her vacation. Thanks for inviting me to sit with you, I kind of needed somebody to sit with. Colorful awnings to shade the tourists swept across the large windows in front of each shop. Keefe had gotten her the same ring as him. Wasnt it?, With that, he looked up at Sophie, and she couldnt help but agree. I wasnt actually cold, but I could tell you were, and I knew you wouldnt go back to the hotel unless we both needed something. Sophie blushed as she asked, What? Keefe smiled. Keefes cheeks flushed with a twinge of red as he whispered back, Sorry, this is just weird. I can blame myself for what my mom does. #sokeefe What did you buy at the boutique Keefe?. Updates will be random. "Well, I can't wait for you two to officially be in the wedding," Sophie said, pulling them over in front of her to get a real good look at them. Keefe leaned sideways and whispered to Sophie, So. what exactly are we supposed to do? Truth or Dare/Sleepover A SoKeefe fan fiction story This is a fan fic I have made about the Keeper team getting together for a sleepover and playing some games, leading to spilled tea and mild drama. With that, Sophie walked away, ignoring the strange looks from everyone else in the restaurant. "No. This would have also been embarrassing and made her turn red like crazy but right now she didnt care. He turned around opening his eyes, just as the song reached the highest note. She thought about it, and listed off things in her head. People around turned their heads as she whispered, Sorry. Keefe cracked up as she turned back to keep watching the movie. Where is he actually? Biana and Tam ordered pia colada and tigers blood, which turned out to be watermelon, strawberry, and coconut. Do you want something else? he inquired, noticing her staring at his plate. It wasnt fear, or jealousy, for once she didnt mind Fitz ignoring her. I wanted to do something nice to commemorate our last full day here. Of course it was. Sophie couldnt bring herself to analyze how that had made her feel. Fitz was saved from replying as Dex leapt onto the property. She burst out laughing, clutching her sides as Keefe joined in. It was perfect. He was her friend, teasing and joking with her. Keefe didn't return for over an hour after she had asked Dex where he was. Find out what happens, tomorrow in Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic *this is my 1st fan fiction* please don't judge. So it surprised Sophie when Keefe quieted down, stopping for a moment. Youre so lucky. Even though she felt bad about being so harsh, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. You cant blame yourself for what they do. Sophie reached towards his hand, but he blocked her. Thanks for reading, enjoy! After eating their shave ice, the group had split up, the boys exploring the shops while the girls, especially Biana, bought clothes. Hey there Foster! Keefe called with a smirk, looking doubtfully at the mountain of clothes. Keefe could've won the contest for saddest smile in the world as he turned back to face her. Okay, okay, I get it. Biana snorted, and tried to change the subject. Keefe shrugged in acceptance as the whole group groaned. And third, she doesn't know HOW she feels about Keefe, or Fitz. Did you miss me? he asked with an exaggerated wink. Dex, Marella, and Fitz all ordered single flavors; blue raspberry, root beer, and vanilla respectively. How did your talk with Fitzy go? Keefe asked in response. She was sick and tired of Fitz acting this way, and she needed him to know that. What are you getting Biana? Sophie asked, shaking her head. Sophie didnt reply immediately, wanting to work through her feelings first. You could never be done Sophie. Sophie ran to catch up to Fitz, tapping his shoulder to grab his attention. She would deal with them when she had time. Rainbow sounds delicious. Behind her, Sophie could hear Marella and Cora snickering. Besides, who knows what well end up doing on this trip? I wish I couldve seen the look on his face! Im worried Im becoming a bad influence on you.. I missed the pasta scene! This is a fanfiction (Sokeefe) written by DressChimera and Luna. Yeah, sure, that makes sense. Fitz mumbled as he took several deep breaths to calm himself. Sophie Foster has been at war with herself and her guilt for too long. It was good, you were right. Sophie hurriedly packed her suitcase, wishing she had started packing a little sooner. I decided to get everyone rings, since we all have plenty of other jewelry, and I still wanted to get something to remember this awesome trip, Keefe started, walking closer to his friends, Biana, Fitz and your rings are amazonite, which is teal. Oh no. Wanna come with us while we explore the town? Read from the story ; a Sokeefe human AU by -CANOODLE (cherry ?!) I looked for you all over the beach! But how she felt with Keefe? You would do that? Keefe asked in delight, grabbing Sophies plate and swapping it for his. Youre with Keefe now, not me. Hey you know that none of this is your fault. His shoulders relaxed when he saw she was joking. Keefe walked up behind Sophie, putting his arm around her shoulders. h, fanficti. She liked Keefe, she really did, and she didnt want to hide their relationship. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his head into her neck again, his hair tickling her cheek in the process. Now lighter than air, Sophie turned to follow Keefe back to the beach. The party started to the baggage claim, the human girl still close behind. Grabbing a sweater, Sophie left the room and entered the hallway, where Keefe was waiting. This is a sooo keefe story (I don't know if I should call it short) it has all your favorite characters (Except Fitz and Stina) I'm actually still planning it I some what just wrote random stuff that sounds good and its turning out REALLY good no lie there. Cuddling for Comfort By: EverlastingEvanescence. Keefe smiled at her, the kind of grin that lit up his entire face and made her smile with him. Ok, just get something you like, Ill probably like it too. He said, not looking up from the iPod. Are we okay? she asked them, I really do wanna stay friends, even if it is a little awkward at first. Dex only took a few seconds to reply, assuring Sophie that they would always be friends. Another hour had passed, and they still had yet to find anything that worked. After taking the elevator up to their floor, Sophie and Keefe split up to their respective rooms to get their sweaters. They said goodbye to Cora, planning to meet up for dinner. Sophie felt her mind stretch as she imagined the airport, and the next thing everyone knew, they had landed in a small clearing several blocks away from the entrance. She could see the confusion playing across his face as she took a deep breath for what felt like the 100th time during their conversation. IDK. The ocean roared with life in the distance, waves splashing against the shore. Good for you, Keefe. Keefe reached over their makeshift table, identical to the one from the movie scene he had not so subtly recreated. Marella smiled with her eyebrows raised. Sophie, not bothering to play along, said "I already know your voice Keefe, and you ruined the surprise by calling me Foster, you're the only one that calls me that anyway. Um, maybe not that one, she said, and Biana put it down with a sigh. Ok I agree. Sophie let out a sigh. There was no awkwardness. Ill explain in a minute just come with me, Keefe said as he pulled her away toward the town. Yep. Yet somehow, despite Sandors loud protests, they were going to Kauai, a beautiful tropical island in the Forbidden Cities. Hi! ! Sophie exclaimed a little too loudly. Yeah, I remember, Dex muttered quickly, his ears turning as red as Sophies cheeks. Fitz and I got in a fight yesterday, and I ended up yelling at him and I dont know if were still friends., What were you even fighting about? She glanced back at her friends to see how they were doing. Good night, Fitz echoed, seeming exhausted from all the talking, Thanks for hearing me out. He left, and then the two of them were alone in the hall once more. Sophie, weve been doing this for at least two hours, and you havent even gotten a single thing! Biana gestured to Sophies growing pile of rejected clothes, which almost rivaled the stack of dresses Biana had picked. Keefe sat, pulling Sophie down with him until she was sprawled in his lap comfortably. :). As the plane flew across the ground at a pace that felt way too fast to actually be slowing down, she could feel Keefes grip tighten even more on her arm, something she hadnt thought was possible. Her insides were butterflies with excitement for the trip with her friends. Oh, its fine, she assured him, pausing to thank the waiter as her food arrived. The wheels touched the ground softly, as the plane screamed to a slower pace with an ear-shattering rumble. Seems pretty suspicious to me.. Ive put you in more dangerous situations than I can count. Keefe stepped away in shock, at a loss for words. Sophie hurriedly packed her suitcase, wishing she had started packing a little sooner. And those ones over there, to the left, those are Lupus-. However, she blushed seeing Cora softly elbow Biana with a wiggle of her eyebrows. Keefe butted in, his perfect hair running in Sophie's face. Was I supposed to? Keefe answered quizzically. Biana returned carrying a soft, wispy dress. And when the news got out that the Ruewen's had twins, Sophie was ecstatic. They were sitting right under Callas Panakes tree, right where she thought Fitz was going to-. The dress was a striking, deep red. She was about to start out the door when Keefe interrupted her leaving. Anonymous reviews have been disabled. Seriously Keefe you really need to keep the near death experiences to a minimum. He stood up as Sophie woke up to the three of them staring at her. She was positive she knew what she wantedbut that was before she realized she had more than one choice. She didn't see Keefe yet, so she ducked in more, just to see him styling his hair as he lip synced into his comb. That was something. Sophie didnt quite know what to say now that Fitz had left. Sophie's face flushed and got off of Keefe muttering, "Sorry.". ", "My Polyglot homework, or I was before I was rudely interrupted. I think we have to, Keefe said with a sigh, clearly not looking forward to this either, though. He had done the same thing on the airplane, but that was just a coincidence, since he didnt know much about human food. UPDATE: Keefes joke. #wattys2019. Sophie should have been angry with him for making her worry like that, but she was too relieved to even think about it. He registered Biana and Linh's faces as he slowly realized the predicament he had gotten them into. They stayed like that for a long time, sitting quietly in the calm before Sophie felt her snuggle-induced drowsiness overtake her and could feel her eyelids drooping by the second. Sophie felt the guilt radiating off of her in waves, and she was sure Keefe could feel it too. Sure, it'll probably be easier that way, she answered, fidgeting. Shaking her head, Sophie pulled upThe Lady and the Tramp. I'm glad you did. Everything will be fine.". Well, were going to teleport to a sort of hidden part of the San Diego International Airport, I would teleport us straight to Kauai but Ive never been there. Maybe he'll listen to you, Tam explained. Sophie is only about to be seventeen and finds out the reason she can hear people's thoughts is that she's an elf. Biana and Fitz glittered into view on the soft grassy lawn of Havenfield. He flushed redder than shed ever seen him blush before. Maybe hell warm up to the idea? Keefe asked hopefully. You know I dont like this kinda stuff, Sophie complained, Why are you still making me do it?, Because unlike you, the rest of us are enjoying this. Across the many aisles of clothes, Sophie could just make out Linh, Marella and Cora talking excitedly about something. This moment couldn't last forever, but Sophie was determined to make it last as long as possible. I can accept that. But why did she feel this way aboutKeefe? Fun Fandom KotLC Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Gathering all their chosen outfits, the girls went to the front of the store to check out. I told him he was being selfish and that I didn't feel like we had a healthy relationship. We should probably go now, Sophie interrupted, saving herself from further humiliation. The last thing I want to do is hurt your feelings, but I don't like you quite like that. Do you want me to back it up? Keefe asked with a small chuckle. They grabbed their carry-ons from the overhead storage and, very slowly, made their way to the exit in a single file line. It wasn't good. After avoiding a close call concerning the surprisingly small amount of vegetarian options on the menu, her friends had all ordered quickly, and their food was just now coming out. No, youve got it all wrong. Lonely (Sokeefe) Chapter 1, a keeper of the lost cities fanfic | FanFiction Follow/Fav Lonely (Sokeefe) By: imgonnafreakyscream After the battle with the Neverseen, Keefe and Sophie confront their feelings. It was filled with millions of stars, almost as many as she was able to see from Havenfield. Her #1 snuggle buddy. Sophie was curled up against the wall cuddling with a small gray elephant that Edaline recognized as Ella (AKA Sophie's sleep buddy she had slept with since she was like, 5). Short SoKeefe One-Shots: "I have to go soon, it's almost 5," he whispered. Thats so sweet. Sophies heart melted, and she couldnt even muster the strength to be mad at him. Well he WAS an Empath. Im just glad we got out of there before nightfall, Marella replied sarcastically, grinning. (as the title says) There'll be some one-shots on ships, some on characters, and just one shots :), Random KotLC Theories, Short Stories and Stuff, The Academy of Good & Bad | KOTLC Custom AU, Keeper of the Lost Cities- The Next Generation, Includes a bunch of other characters I forgot. "No wonder the Neverseen captures you so easily. Fighting to stay awake Sophie struggled to get out of Keefe's tight hold, only to realize he had fallen asleep holding onto her, and by the looks of it, he wasn't letting go any time soon. Syrup and whipped cream dribbled down her chin slightly. But I dont know how youre going to hide your obvious love for me, Keefe joked, cracking a smile. Elwin reluctantly let Sophie stay with Keefe. The love of her life. You might need something nice to wear, she finished with a smile. It seemed like a burgundy color. Each suite had two bathrooms, two bedrooms, each with two beds, and a small living room and kitchen space. Because she doesnt, Fitz said with narrowed eyes. Just then, Sophie notice a lone figure walking down the beach, looking around. Hey you cant take all the glory. It had small straps and was about knee length. I dont want to find out who my biological dad is though, which means theres no chance Im every going to be able to be matched. Ive said said it many times before and Ill say it again, it istooeasy to annoy you Lady Foss-Boss, Keefe replied with a wink. I think we need to talk to Biana and Fitz, Sophie took a deep breath, Fitz seems jealous and angry, which honestly isn't too surprising. You messed up majorly, and sometimes theres no going back to how things used to be., I know, I know. So what movie should we watch? Sophie asked, trying to ease away the embarrassment. What were going to tell everyone, mostly.. Ill have on Tropical Twist please, Linh came up beside her, and ordered the same thing, saying. I got crepes, she reminded him, though she was beginning to regret her decision not to get waffles. We dont know how everybodys going to react, and I wouldnt want to ruin anyones vacation. Sophie answered, wishing the thought of telling everybody would stop sending shivers down her spine. Keefe! Sophie exclaimed hugging him,and not caring about how close she was to his body. Good for you. Biana took Sophies hand and walked her back to their group of friends. Sophie was sure that her arm would be crushed completely by the time the plane landed. Before, she had felt nothing special, just the shock of her decision, but this, this was something so much more. She hated talking about this, even more than she hated talking about telling Grady. She drew her gaze back to the movie, seeing Keefe looking at her. I believe in you, and so does everyone else. Keefe replied, sounding serious for once. You look beautiful.. Realizing she didnt even know the girls name, she gave a quick wave, motioning for her to sit near them. Youre better at human constellations than I am. Keefe held his hands up in mock defeat, but he was struggling not to laugh. Check. She didnt want to do anything to risk her already shaky relationship with Fitz. And she pretty much packed her entire room. End of story. She was done letting him sweet talk her into giving him another chance. Keefe cringed, Sorry, that was a nice way of letting me down gently Foster. He reverted back to his usual name for her, and somewhere inside of her ached in sadness, though she didnt want to think about why. They crashed together, nearly falling in a heap, and they were so busy untangling themselves that it took several seconds for them to realize that they had made it to their friends. Cora walked up to the ordering window, and quickly stated her order. She frowned and put her own arms around his torso holding him against her. How could I forget you? She grabbed Ella out of Keefes hand and ran outside, leaving Keefe standing in the middle of the room. Have fun. He started to walk away, and Sophie had to jog to keep pace with him. What did you order again? Keefe asked. Whereas before they had been silent and tense, now they held hands and laughed, sharing memories and inside jokes. Yep, she said nervously, biting her lip to keep from laughing. Well, they have a lot of farmers markets and fun stores, and fancy restaurants you could go to with your boyfriend, Sophie, Cora said wiggling her eyebrows, Yknow the blonde one, Keefe right?. She grinned, her eyes sparkling, I'm Cora! The group strolled down the main shopping center near the hotel. Sophie and her friends sat eating candy while listening to Cora as she went over the plan. #foster She's been known too, ah, cause 'problems' with her 'clumsiness', in CONTAINS SPOILERS Sophie Foster is confused. #sophiefoster They told Sophie over and over again they would never stop loving her, but Sophie was over the moon excited for more siblings. Sophie flushed bright pink in embarrassment. Lets be honest shes going to end up borrowing everything I brought for her, Biana laughed. Yup. When Grady and I got married. They have shave ice here! Take my jacket shirt thing. They exchanged quick hellos, and soon Marella, Linh and Tam joined them. She was currently sitting at her vanity, getting her hair fixed up by Biana and Linh while Marella, Edaline, and Vertina (yes, she still kept Vertina) did her makeup. As they kept trying on clothes, Sophie thought about what Biana had said. After a few more minutes of quiet, Keefe stopped walking, and squeezed his eyes tightly closed, taking a few deep breaths. A few minutes later, everyone exited the store with their purchases, blinking in the sudden bright light of outside, even as the sun began to sink lower on the horizon. She doesn't know who to pick, Fitz or Keefe. "Keefe, I have something to say to you," Sophie said, inhaling before she chickened out, " I. I still want to be friends with you, and right now, this just feels awkward. Meanwhile, Biana, Dex, and Fitz wandered off to look at different parts of the airport. You do realize none of us believe you, right? Marella said, So just tell us. For now, they didn't exist. Keefe. Mine is of course a diamond, cause we all know Im the best.. I can't believe we forgot to get some earlier! she called, her eyes wide. (Cover art is not mine) Always - SoKeefe Fanfic Is something supposed go on top of spaghetti? Keefe asked, his cheeks neon red now. She was about to translate the last phrase onto the paper when two warm hands suddenly covered her eyes. Friends. Well, there arent a whole lot of brown gemstones, at least not at this store, so I got you something else. He explained, but it didnt quite feel like the truth, at least not the whole truth. She pulled him away from their friends, who were starting to walk back to the hotel. I really like it. He poured them each a tall wineglass of sparkling water, a slight foam building before subsiding into a crystal-clear drink. Sophie and Keefes mood on their walk back to their friends felt completely different now than when they had first left to talk. After we last talked, I took some time to really think about how my actions have affected you guys. As Sophie reclined her seat on the airplane, she reached into her suitcase and pulled out the airplane pillow shed bought at the airport gift shop. He hadn't been the most understanding the day before, so it would make sense. Dont worry about him, okay?. A fitted Lycra dress underneath a layer of light flowy chiffon. Do you think Sophie will like you more with those kinds of jokes? Talking was really easy to do with Keefe. Wait here, Biana instructed as she raced off in herdirection. Fitz and Biana sat across the aisle, next to a pretty human girl absorbed in her book. That's when she noticed she was staring at Keefe's handsome face. Were not exactly going to blend in with the humans, and we have to take an airplane.