16. Buzzing: Very happy. Both deadly and class are not always used to describe a lesson. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Say, Ah, stop, thats gas! , Emmas dog is gas, etc. Dont get confused with it being a person, for locals are always using this term. Whether it actually cures the hangover is up for debate. Come here to me Youll hear this, usually, at the start of a conversation or sentence when someone wants to get your attention or has something important to me. Courtin = Dating (term commonly used in Northern Ireland). Example: Cmere to me and tell me why your mother is furious again. Meaning: (Noun) Baked is another name for the mouth or face. Going for a kip means going for a sleep, while saying somewhere is a kip means the place is dirty or bad in some way. C'mere 'til I tell ya 15. It can also mean they are taking advantage of you. Shame the color is so awful. Some of my favorites are listed below. It's worth noting that when someone says that they're 'grand', they may not necessarily be so. OK is grand. Meaning: (Adjective) Class is another term for good in Ireland. Its a grand, soft day Means its a rainy day, but more so fine, misty rain than pouring rain. Example: Do you remember the yoke I brought home yesterday? Ah, man, the heads are bouncing off of me, as an example. Meaning: (Noun) In Irish sayings, the word craic means the news, gossip, joke, or scoop spread by the word of mouth. There is no way I would wait there for a bus. For our American readers, let me clarify that when we say dope in Ireland, we dont mean anything illegal. Meaning: (Noun) The slang yer wan in Ireland is usually used to call a female person youve forgotten. Ireland is the second largest island in the world, just next to Great Britain. Meaning: (Expression) A bad dose is one of the most used Irish expressions when someone is having a bad day. Shed talk the hind legs off a donkey This girl/woman is a right chatterbox, never stops talking. Meaning: (Expression) Give me a shot is one of the most common Irish phrases youll hear when youre in Ireland. Donkeys years is a term for a lengthy period of time. Muppet Another word for stupid and can be substituted for eejit. Meaning: (Adjective) Dryshite is used in Ireland to describe a person, thing, or situation that is boring. You could eat in Jacks and feel safer. For instance, Mary, what a wonderful day it is today.. 3. Ah bollix can also be used if you have forgotten something or done something wrong. Youre a savage! Yer man is used to refer to a man, but it can also be used when you dont know their name. Martinas youngwan was in working with us for a few days last week, for instance. Example: Why are going out with a midden? Perhaps unsurprisingly given the drunken Irish stereotype, there are several different words in Irish slang that all mean drunk. Another relatively calm one. Scarlet for ya 11. Im not sure when hell be back. According to Irish Central, the craic was 90 signifies "the nirvana of craic," though it can also be used sarcastically. Taking the piss People say someone was taking the piss when they mean they were either being silly/stupid or they are teasing you. There are only a few left-handed people compared to right-handed people even today. Example: have you seen a wean with bright red hair? I cant understand the news! . Use with caution as these Irish slang phrases can range from mild to offensive. Meaning: (Expression) The expression bout ye means how are you doing? in Irish slang. Example: Clean the toilet now. Someone who works for the police. In Irish slang, people who live in the countryside are called culchie.. He may have taken us in a taxi to our destination and then hopped out without paying for it, for instance. Another gender-specific word that is somewhat offensive is this one. For example, if my son spills milk because he is not being careful pouring it, youll often hear me say Jesus, Mary and Joseph, can you watch what youre doing!. Read on to find out several ways to say hello to Irish people as well as some other interesting sayings and funny phrases. This expression means that he or she is truly and deeply thankful for the help he or she received. Also, this expression can be used when you want someone to come near you, so you can say something to him or her. A person who is able to shape circumstances to their advantage is referred to as a cute hoor because they are relatively crafty. Meaning: (Adjective) Dead on is a phrase used when a person is hot or good-looking. Hold on for a moment, and Ill pass it to you right away! Good luck A different way of saying goodbye to someone. Meaning: (Expression) The term Its spitting is used when there is light rain. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. From a few houses to several miles away. Check out our 25 Irish phrases and slang words below so you can practice them the next time you are at the pub. The phrase the craic was 90 is used to indicate a situation in which serious amusement was had. Be wide, my friend! He already tried to trick me. The Craic was 90 There's more than just one craic in Irish slang. If you love the series Father Ted, then youll hear this expression often used throughout the series. For instance, Last night, the pub was jam-packed with culchies.. Posted at 16:45h in lucia marisol williams by colin mclean where is he now. His sister told his Mam about what happened, for instance. Youll hear stall it when someone wants to pause at a shop and pop inside and they need their friends to stop and wait. It also means good.. Meaning: (Noun) In Irish words, The jacks means toilet. The following section delves into Irish idioms and slang terms that Ive used in the past but that were completely lost on listeners. How useful! Meaning: Stop acting upNote: Most often said by ones mother, it basically means stop doing what youre doing right now, or suffer the consequences. Oh, I do. This one is frequently used as an answer to questions like, How was work today? It goes like this: Ah, shtap sure Ive been up to 90 since half 7.. , It is referred to as a yoke to describe the object. Say, That chicken fillet roll was class, for instance. brought everything, including dessert. Meaning: (Noun) The messages is an Irish term for shopping or groceries. For instance, She won money down the bingo this week once more. Jammy hoor! We use cookies for analytics tracking and advertising from our partners. Or to tell someone to get sense about something. Example: Should we bring a sanger to avoid getting hungry while on the trip? When describing something or someone who is in a bad situation, the phrase in bits is used. Shamey Brannagin was once more caught stealing from Kerrigans, for instance. You could say some of these Irish funny phrases are gas. I havent seen Tony in donkeys years, for instance. Meaning: (Expression) The expression good of it is another way of saying that something is great. It can also be used to indicate someone is irritated or angry. He put the heart across me Means that person gave me a real scare/frightened me. During a trip to Northern Ireland, where we visited way too many pubs, I frequently heard the word cracking used. Its pure shit today. Wind yer neck in - shut up 17. This is often combined with howya/hewya, especially in Dublin so you may hear howya, whats the story? as a greeting between people. Howsagoin?! Donkey's Years. Bloody Can be used instead of the f-word or its connotations above. The smell off those runners, for instance. Here are 20 Northern Irish phrases and what they mean in plain English. This is a phrase that means "a long time" or a "number of years". Let me help you with your things. Meaning: (Noun) A young wan is Irish slang word for a young lady, maybe a teenager. They can often be used in jest as well as in spite. Translated: A stroll. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase bang on is used as a response when someone is asking how you are. Example: Shell never find a man. Oi / / is an interjection used in various varieties of the English language, particularly Australian English, British English, Indian English, Irish English, New Zealand English, and South African English, as well as non-English languages such as Chinese, Tagalog, Tamil, Hindi / Urdu, Japanese, and Portuguese to get the attention of another Meaning: (Noun) The word beour is Irish slang for an attractive girl. I only have it for a week and its gone to shit. The island comprises lush fields, but thousands of years ago, it was covered in a thick blanket of ice. Example: I need rest today. , Irish proverbs for describing the weather, pp. Or a little shady. Example: Hey, there, young fella. Ribena is a blackcurrant dilutable very popular in Ireland. Just substitute drunk in hes drunk or I was drunk with one of the following words: These Irish words and phrases include swear words or insults. Meaning: Little brats /little shitsExplanation: shitehawk can be used affectionately. Example: Dont forget your raincoat and boots. Faffing is the act of doing something but not actually doing it. During my time in school, I used, and you can hear this one used. Hence, a precarious situation. Example: Hey, young wan! Raging An Irish expression means someone is angry or disappointed with themselves. We listed all of them in alphabetical order and provided you with examples for each slang. Here are some more typical expressions using Irish slang words, from "the messages" to "jammy." The letters For some strange reason, "the shopping" or "the groceries" are referred to as "the messages" in Ireland. This expression means he or she wont be doing something. Example: Dont be such a pox. This one hasnt been used very frequently lately. Youll have a good idea of the kinds of slags that Irish people hurl at each other if youve read our comprehensive guide to Irish insults. Hes a right chancer This Irish term is used when talking about someone who chances their arm. Thanks a million! Work on your Irish accent, practicing the inflection and sound of consonants and vowels. or Ive never tried that before, but Ill definitely give it a lash. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Example: Im glad to see you suckin diesel. Meaning: (Noun) A skanger is a person who is often involved in minor acts of crimes and is often in danger or hiding from authorities. But be careful if trying to use it yourself as the person on the receiving end might take offense. This Irish slang dictionary will guide you through some of the common Irish slang phrases and words you may encounter during a trip to Ireland and will help you decipher and understand what is being said or referred to when you hear these terms. Meaning: (Noun) The word wean is used to identify a small child. Example: Wow, you are a ciotog. It's baltic - commonly heard in winter 19. . Meaning: (Noun) Ciotog is Irish Gaelic for left-handed people. Meaning: (Adjective) Gobshite is used to describe an incompetent person. For instance, Last night was a serious one, but I was out of it and ordered 7 bags of chips on the way home.. Example: You gowl! Wow, what a dope. Leave a door open unnecessarily in an Irish house and youll hear this expression coming your way. Another lovely Irish expression is banjaxed. Is there anywhere else we can go? I was raging I missed it means Im so disappointed I missed it. Whats the craic? Please share your feedback in the box below. This is one of those funny Irish phrases that an Irish parent will shout after their children when they insist on doing something that might hurt them. "Tommy, it's been donkey's years since you've been here!". Example: Hey, hows the form? Example: Im up to high doh about this trip! It is a book containing the gallows speeches from over 100 offenders. Shes up there giving out to Tony about something, for instance. One who resides in a far-off area of Ireland is referred to as a culchie. Anyone who lives outside of Dublin is typically referred to as A culchie by Dubliners. Bad dose. You appear healthy. I got the job in the chipper, did you hear? Meaning: (Expression) The phrase Its pure shit means that its a rainy day. Did you do that thing for yer man? is an example. Gobshite An Irish slang word for fool, eejit, stupid person. Example: Get away from me, melter! To learn more about affiliate links, read my Disclosure Policy here. Shite Meaning shit, rubbish or pants. Im sure you two will get along. Will you wait for me in this spot? Example: Its so sad to see a shitehawk, but I have no money to spare. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Beautiful cliffs overlooking the ocean will definitely take anyone's breath away. Example: Theres no place for a latchio here! The weather is sunny. Im tired already! My friend Mayo Declan is an expert in this field. It usually refers to someone who willingly does a favour, asked or not, although usually unexpected - Like when you ask for one rollie and your given two, or the bouncer to an over 21s let's you in when your 20. I havent seen him in donkeys years means that you havent seen that person for a very long time. The car wont start again because the engine is banjaxed, or No, the things banjaxed sure., In an Irish bar anywhere in the world, if you hear someone say theyre Going to the jacks or ask you, Where are the jacks, they are referring to the restroom. Example: That boy is thick. Another way to describe someone who is very intoxicated is with this phrase. I thought they were sold out, Savage, man. Catch yourself on . Ah, another Irish proverb that describes something brilliant with a word that is actually used to describe something dangerous. Meaning: (Expression) The expression a good day for drying means that the sun is out, and its a sunny day, perfect for drying clothes. Add your Slang. Say, Eh, is that Karen up there on that table? She has consumed 17 vodkas. Maybe they are culchie. Howya/Hewya How are you cobbled into a one-word expression. The radio is not audible to me. Gobshite - An Irish slang word for fool, eejit, stupid person. It was 90 fun. You jammy sod Meaning you are very lucky. Meaning: (Expression) Fair play is an Irish expression that means good job or well done. This expression is mostly used after winning a game or congratulating someones success. Broke: Embarrassed. Meaning: (Phrase) Having the craic means a person is ready to listen to the latest news of gossip. You can post any Irish slang youre unsure of in the comments section below, and Ill get back to you. Meaning: (Adjective) Flutered is used to describe a person who is drunk. Meaning: (Noun) Gowl is another word for eejit that is used as an insult in Ireland. Meaning: (Noun) Even though Ireland seems to only have vast fields and beautiful views, they also have cities. Meaning: shes an unfortunate looking girl wearing a lot of make-up to try and cover it up. . Meaning: (Expression) Minus craic is an Irish expression that means a person, thing, or situation is boring. Meaning: (Phrase) Ogeous handling is a situation wherein the people are in danger. Dont go anywhere alone with him. Meaning: (Phrase) The Irish phrase be wide is what the locals used to tell a person to be careful. Whats the craic? It is often used vulgarly, but can also be used in day-to-day conversations. Irish In origin. Youll hear this phrase frequently when people are describing people they dont like. The words Class and Pure are frequently used together. Hes a cute hoor that fella, for instance, and he always manages to score a free ticket to the concerts in Phoenix Park. After that, we all returned to Sharons. It can mean you understand. An Irish proverb that expresses approval of behavior is nice one. Such as, Ah, nice one! Can also mean someone is a fool. Donkeys years Used to refer to a very long time. Meaning: (Adjective) Kip is another slang term in Ireland used in everyday speech that means dirty. Meaning: (Verb) Just like everybody, Irish people love to party and sometimes get drunk. For instance, I called over yesterday and he talked for an hour about his new tractor. It wasnt very fun. Translation: I will never get around to it. Simply means whats happening. Meaning: (Expression) A grand aul day is an expression used in Ireland when the weather is perfect. Ever. Acting the maggot Bad dose Bags (to make a bags of something) Bang on Banjaxed Black stuff Boyo Brutal Bucketing down Bunk off Chancer Chiseler Ciotg Cod/codding ya Craic Crack on Culchie Cute hoor Delira and excira Deadly Donkey's years Dosser Eat the head off Eejit Earwigging Effin' and blindin' Meaning: (Adjective) The word savage originally means a person who is wild or untamable that has no manners or decency. Although I personally dont use the word feck, it is one of my favorites because it is associated with the wonderful Father Ted series. He thought I was trying to get his attention, even though I already had it. If you hear this you should expect sunshine and warm weather, possibly a light breeze. This term is used for an acquaintance and even for your father. Im going on the lash at the weekend means I am going out drinking this weekend. drunk and banned. Irish slang words and meanings Eejit - This is probably one of the most commonly used Irish slang terms that I know of. In Ireland, we discuss the weather a lot. This Irish expression, which is overused and not unique to any one county, is used frequently. Manky Used to describe something that is dirty, horrible, ugly or disgusting. Rainey weather type. Example: You almost lost your passport? Example: You better teach the chiseler not to mess with my things. This article is the combined work of four writers: Sorcha OHiggins, Tara Povey, Sarah Arnold, and Niall Colbert. Lets go somewhere else. 50+ Best Irish Slang Words And Phrases To Try Out Thinking of going on a trip to Ireland and fit in with the locals? Meaning: (Noun) A hallion is a person who is worthless. Youre one can short of six. For instance, Dont worry about it; its great., Up to 90 means completely occupied with something. I bet she was in rag order. So, strangely enough, the most frequent email weve received since we first published this guide in early 2019 is from people looking for words and Irish slang for girl. Irish slang is a rich verbal tradition rooted in the hard and hearty struggles of the Irish people, who are predominantly Celtic in ethnicity. Top 10 Foods in Hawaii You Must Try 2023, [Best Hawaiian Songs] 20+ Most Famous Hawaiian Songs You Need to Hear (2023), Moving to Scotland & Pros and Cons of Living in Scotland, Dos and Donts in Hawaii Planning A Trip to Hawaii 2023, Top 8 Munich Attractions Every Local is Proud Of, Things Not To Do in Melbourne 13 Mistakes Tourists Make, The 10 Most Beautiful Towns in Netherlands 2023, 12 Most Beautiful Small Towns in Hawaii 2023, The History of Scottish Clans & 10 Most Common Scottish Surnames, [Hawaiian Beaches] 21 Best Beaches in Hawaii for a Memorable Trip 2023, [Hawaii Must Do] 21 Best Things To Do in Hawaii 2023. For instance, That new full-back theyve brought on is pure class.. Dope is another word for a stupid person in Ireland. But he was raging with her means he was so angry with her. When absolutely no fun was being had, it was said to be minus craic, which is the complete opposite of having the craic. For instance, Last night, we went to the new club. Ive split these into sections: slang Irish phrases, slang Irish words, Irish expressions used for saying hello, Irish slang phrases for drunk and also Irish slang insults and swear words. The jacks is also. I loved this article, thank you! Grand : good / okay. Meaning: (Noun) In Ireland, the word tool is used to calling a person who you dont like. This is yet another mild example of Irish slang for someone you dont particularly like. Im in a hurry, so lets talk soon! Im at a loss for words for this one. Bang on is a way to describe a person or a circumstance. Bang on is another example of Irish slang for good and is typically used as a response. Hes a sad little bugger. For instance, use your umbrella to Gway out of that. If she thinks five is not enough, shell repeat it. I will, yeah This has the opposite meaning to what is implied. Giving out literally translates as to whine. have you no shame?! Culchie/Langer These are terms that usually refer to someone to who lives down the country and isnt a Dub. Im truly sad for his parents. You can also use it to respond to a greeting without giving too much away about how you are doing. This is said often in my area of Dublin as a bit of humour. Be advised, the last section contains swear/curse/cuss words, so if you dont want to read them, skip the last section. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase In rag order or in ribbons is not that common nowadays, but some locals still used to describe a person who is very drunk. Translation: Im not planning on getting absolutely hammered, but one might very well turn into 15. Example: Go and bollox if you think you can get me to agree with you. Irish slang words and phrases are ubiquitous, even in polite conversation, so youll need to master them to make heads or tails of whats being said at the pub. It makes for a good conversation starter and is frequently up for discussion in both bars and retail establishments. For example, I managed to book tickets for that concert you were telling me about Paddy, to which Paddy replies deadly. Example: I need to grab the messages. Thank you so much is what thanks a million means. The term used to describe filthy or dung-filled people. Learning the most commonly used Irish slang words and phrases can significantly improve your chances of blending in with the community in an instant. Irish slang words and phrases and their meaning, Best Things to Do in Donegal, Ireland (County Guide), 15 Prettiest and Best Coastal Towns in Ireland to Visit, https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/1100284, What are the Irish known for? Shane, hows the form? is an example. Example: Shes a cute hoor for always getting what she wants. I had a rotten drunken night. Example: Do you still want to go to the park? 111: My favorite Irish slang expressions Irish Slang Words, Grand (an iconic bit of Irish slang) (an iconic bit of Irish slang), Cut it some slack (one of my favourite Irish phrases), Giving out (I recently learned that this expression is an Irish one), St Patrick's Day Origin - What is The Meaning Behind St Patrick's Day, 1222: Jokes and slang from Ireland that my nonIrish friends didnt understand when we first met , Common Irish proverbs that you hear every day from 23 to 36 , Craic, the most misunderstood Irish slang (verses 3740) , Common Irish expressions to use when referring to someone you dont like, from 41 to 56 , Dope (a word my aul lad frequently uses in Irish slang!) In Ireland, there are countless ways to describe something as great or good. Hes a slievene means hes a sneaky so-and-so. Example: I cant stay here a second longer. When you arrive in Ireland, particularly for the first time, you may be forgiven for thinking youve landed on an alien planet. Yer man over there (with pointing or nodding of the head) This indicates that man over there. . Its Baltic/Its roasting Baltic indicates it is absolutely freezing outside, while roasting means it is really warm outside. Meaning: (Phrase) Stall the ball is used when a person is asking someone to wait for him or her or to stop a conversation midway. For instance, Oh well! The term is commonly used as an insult in Ireland. Youll often hear Irish mammies say ah feck instead of the f-word around kids. . I will, yes. Ask any Irish person! 25. Combine this piece of Irish slang with 'pound' (before 2002, the Irish currency used to be pounds) and . Im Scots and so much (maybe 70% ?) Give it a lash This is used to tell someone to give it a go, try it, give it a whirl. This piece is deadly. I would give him a solid kick up the hole if he were my own! Example: Its been a bad dose since morning. Meaning: (Adjective) Locked is another term used when a person is blackout drunk. Did you see her going to the toilet in front of the police station?" You can also use it to avoid making decisions, using it instead of its up to you. Example: He is such an eejit for breaking your heart! a term from old Irish slang used to describe a chancer. Youre better off without him, anyway. Depending on the county, greetings tend to differ quite a bit. OTool assigned us enough math homework to last about seven weeks. Brit: A member of the British armed forces. However, a quick Google search for 18th-century Irish speech suggested this: For instance, John spills his pint of Guinness and shouts Bollix in annoyance. Example: Wow, you really did get me a concert ticket. I heard from Noley that you were attending to your hemorrhoids. He is a smooth-talker and gets what he wants, even in the wrong way. For instance, Thanks a million makes no sense to non-Irish people (at least, thats what my non-Irish friends tell me!). Full of Tips, Reviews, Travel Blogs 7 Coronation Road, Launchese, London, NW10 7PQ, UNITED KINGDOM Contact us: [emailprotected] Read more. rinnai condensate drain installation Likes. Meaning: (Expression) The word cracking is another Irish slang for good. It is mostly used in Northern Ireland. Example: Why dont we go on dander and have a picnic? Example: 'He's not feeling the best today, he was locked last night.'. Example: Lets go. We actually do not want a casual acquaintance arriving on our doorstep expecting to be put up and shown the town. Here are some terms youll need to know, whether youre a first-time visitor or just trying to watch an Irish movie without needing subtitles. Example: Story horse! Example: Youre so dope, you cant even pass a simple exam. For instance, Declan has been in there for the past hour looking around., To eat the head off someone is to become extremely enraged with them. Give it a lash! Example: Wow, a promotion sounds good. A manky day out refers to a day that is grey, miserable and probably raining too. On me tod People use this Irish slang phrase to let others know they were alone when doing something or going somewhere. Your man who I purchased the car from is a serious Gombeen, I said. Meaning: (Noun) In Irish slang, the word clown is a person who is silly and loves to joke all the time. However, there are a few different ways youll hear it used more frequently: There is absolutely no way that I am doing that. This Irish proverb seemed to make perfect sense to me, but apparently not. Meaning: A scoldingExample of usage and translation: He spent the whole evening drinking at the pub. Jammy essentially means good fortune. A nice way to say f*ck is feck. Feck this, Im not listening to him shitting on for any longer, or That fecker was in here mooching about the place again this morning, for instance. Example: Youre acting like a goon! Did you see her taking a piss in front of the Garda station?" = "Oh my god, she was a disgrace. Actually, you could also use the word lash in this sentence, as in Give me a lash of that., You could say, Gimme a shot of that kettle there when referring to A shot.. Fooling and messing around. Can also be used to mean a person. Did you see her taking a piss in front of the Garda station? = Oh my god, she was a disgrace. I got my fair share of strange looks when I said certain things during my time there. Locked is just one such term - others include mouldy, ossified, polluted, twisted and langers. Last night, after Foleys, I was in a hoop. Meaning: (Expression) Its rotten is another way of saying its raining in Ireland. Meaning: (Greeting) This Irish greeting is often used when a person comes home from the pub. Example: Good woman! If something is inferior or ugly, you cannot change it into something of value or attractive. Example: Howsagoin? About 20 times a day, I use this. Meaning: (Expression) Bucketing down is one of the most used Irish slang phrases when there is a heavy downpour of rain. a different term for eejit. If youre unfamiliar with the terms, Bollox or Bollocks refer to a mans testicles in slang. However, I may be getting older and going out less as a result. Meaning: (Noun) The term glunterpeck is another word for a stupid person. Meaning: (Adjective) In Ireland, if one person calls you thick, he or she thinks you are stupid. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. People can also use this Irish expression to say it is what it is. Example: Youve been in your room faffing all day but failed to clean it! Example: This ice cream is just class. I was pretty mouldy last night. It is often used sarcastically. Depending on the circumstance, this one might be offensive. All of these Irish slang words can be used to describe someone who is drunk. A person who is having the craic is having fun, as in Ah, man, Im dying. We returned from the pub at 2:00, but we continued to have fun until 7:00. Everyday Irish Slang Words and Phrases The exact meaning and usage of these words and phrases from Ireland may vary from one area to another, so be sure and pay close attention to the context in which they're being used. Meaning: This is not a threat, but a person offering a lift to another person. I need a barrel of Soudafed, for instance. For instance, Cmon. We should go outside and get some fresh air. Meaning: (Noun) A scut is a person who is deemed as stupid or a waste. You may hear people saying hes an awful dryshite.